
New from 404 Media: the ID verification service for TikTok, Uber, X, and many more tech companies exposed real peoples' driver licenses. As we move towards an internet forcing us to verify our identities, shows these companies will absolutely be targeted
This is directly related to the tsunami of credentials available on Telegram. Every single day, infostealer feeds freely distribute credentials belonging to big tech and other company employees. Log in, get crown jewels of data, it's that simple
I think it’s time to take our good boy/good girl (Dems doofusses I’m talking to you) gloves off and start doxxing the assholes directly responsible for the bumpstock reversal. I’m serious. They get to be protected while we are FREE TO DIE. This has to change.
But I was told by #KOSA supporters and porn id bill advocates that it would be solved away with a magic algorithm that determines age with no personal info required whatsoever! Whodathunk both have no idea what they're talking about.
As I wrote to my senators: If it were possible to verify people's identity online, we could eliminate a lot of scams. Is anyone talking about eliminating online scans? No. Why? It's not possible.