
1: non Jewish Americans need to understand what our Jewish neighbors deal with DAILY as the norm. And 2: Christians (yes, all of us) need to recon with the fact that *this is on us* we created the bullshit that drives modern antisemitism and *we must address it head on.* Yes I have suggestions 1/x
I wonder if/when non-Jews will ever understand that, to a degree, this is "normal" in American Judaism. Bomb threats, hiring security in order to worship, antisemitic graffiti, slurs...this is everyday stuff. It shouldn't be, but it is. Not everywhere all the time but somewhere, all the time.
1. If you are clergy and preach regularly I need you to find JEWISH resources addressing antisemitism in Christian interpretation of Hebrew scripture and in the Christian testament. Amy Jill Levine is a good *start* but not where you should end by any means.
Then you need to incorporate what you have learned into HOW you preach, and how you teach scripture. TEACH your people what supersessionism is and why it is harmful. Get it out of your preaching and teaching. Learn to hold multiple meanings and readings with respect & make that your church's culture
You aren't a preacher/teacher/clergy? Do the same thing. Yeah, seriously. Start educating yourself. It is *your* responsibility as a disciple to be learning and growing your whole life and Jesus commanded you to show love and respect for your neighbor. THIS is how you respect & lovey Jewish nhbrs
Once you've got an education (you'll never be done, but at least you get the basics). Form interfaith friendships. Get your communities involved in joint ventures to make your larger community better and safer. Help out. WHEN (not if) local Jews get targeted be LOUDLY supportive.
Listen, Jews have gotten the short end of the stick from majority empires for a long bloody time. But Christianity is the current empire and it was our words, our twisting of scripture, OUR theology that put them in the crosshairs for 1600 years. We must fix it ourselves, NOW.
Also, please stop co-opting Jewish practice and ritual. No more Christian seders unless they really are interfaith--with actual Jewish people. No Hannukiahs mixed in with the Christmas decorations unless you're an interfaith family.
I know there are communities where Hannukiahs are displayed as a sign of solidarity and that's nice from the outside it still looks like Christmas is taking over yet another Jewish symbol.
If you want to show support, maybe just have the Hannukiah in a window by itself, without any Christmas stuff around it.
Oops, missing a "but" after the "nice."
ABSO-FRIGGIN-LUTELY. We have our OWN rituals. (being invited by Jewish friends to participate in their stuff, that's cool, coopting it ain't.) I knew a church who had a great relationship w their local synagogue and often got invited to their open seder. It was fabulous, but it we were guests!
Many, many, many Christians do not understand why it is offensive to do this. This year I saw some Christian minister somewhere talking about using Yom Kippur as a day to reflect on their sins and I felt like I was going to throw up.
Yeaaaaaah. I feel like it used to JUST be Passover bc of how it fell near Holy Week most years but hte last few years it seems to be spreading. :\
I've lost track of how many arguments I've had about seders with Christian friends over the years. "Our church does one every year to honor our Jewish roots!" Are there any Jews there? "Uh, no." Please stop. "But Jesus was Jewish!" But he didn't use the modern Haggadah. Please stop. etc.
didn't use "a" modern Haggadah, I should say. I own three different ones and have friends and family members who have extensive collections. they can be pretty different from one another, even though they all tell the same story. it's cool.
Yes, it is interesting every year hearing friends who are writing their own, or using something new, or the Folgers (is it Folgers, I think I remembered that right) Haggadah. I love getting a peak into the diversity of other religious traditions.
Folgers is associated with a … very different tradition, from a very different holiday
I mean the modern seder didn't even exist when Jesus was walking around! It is definitely part of the education we desperately need to do including actually teaching people about our own traditions and helping them PRACTICE them so they don't feel so spiritually empty they must steal from y'all.
there was a holiday at that time, but it wasn't Passover as we now know it.