
It was a Gish gallop, a term coined by my former boss Eugenie Scott for a creationist tactic in debates. And in prepping Bill Nye to debate creationist Ken Ham, we came up with a counterstrategy: do your own Gish gallop back. Force Trump into the same corner.
It’s a good way for Biden to run through his accomplishments and throw in all Trump’s crimes and get Trump worked up so he goes off the rails.
Bill Nye could pull that off, I guess. But it's challenging to do, since gaslighters have the advantage of not being constrained by facts. The counter Gish gallup requires more care.
I think he could do it. He has the thinks to say, and just spending three minutes reciting all Trump’s crimes (classified files, rape, election/J6, Ukraine impeachment, J6 impeachment, Mueller report, Steele report, pee tape…) would make a strong gallop, and Trump would absolutely spin out.
There's no way Biden's oratory style could effectively pull this off. It's not who he is—that which sets him apart from the awfulness of his rival. Buttigieg is perhaps the one guy who could respond effectively to falsehood-rich diarrhea. I say insist on realtime fact-checking or skip the rematch.
He is the only one I have seen do this. And it’s why he is the only one I trust going on Fox News. He handles himself very well.
In the words of Lyndon Johnson, I know it's not true, make the son of a bitch deny it
I was a card-carrying member in high school. Had the Darwin fish shirt and everything.
He did, I can witness that. I visited the NCSE in 2015 and met both Josh and Eugenie
Ah. "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit."
That’s how you win debates. There is no other way. Debates kinda suck.
What’s so baffling to me is how does his team not know this…it’s the same every time. They should be easily able to infuriate expose and humiliate Trump.
It is a complete mystery. Either the DNC campaign brain trust is completely broken, or this is how the candidate wanted things.
I wouldn't trust Biden to try and pull off a responding Gish Gallop. He'd be better off just responding "Wow. That didn't make any sense. [Brief pause] Here's something I'll do as president to make your life better." You can't engage with Trump's nonsense because it's nonsense.
an alternative strategy, which prevents the gish gallop in the first place, is to follow the lead of dr. john henrik clarke: "i only debate my equals. all others, i teach."
Ben Shapiro does the gish gallop all the time.
This is the only way that Kellyanne Conway can speak.
I agree, but considering Dems hate giving back the kind of BS they receive, nothing will happen of the sort and they will resort to simple and ineffective deflecting.
Biden would have to be able to form coherent sentences to do a counter Gish gallop, I don't see that happening.
I think the debate revealed that the presumptive nominee for the Democrats does not have a "gallop" gear.