
Aside from everything else (Taylor Swift hosting a debate?!), the idea that you could require a positive-only campaign is disqualifyingly insane. Like 100% will never happen and isn’t a particularly good idea. One benefit of a primary is it shows who can survive the sliming of the general election.…
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Also for the sake of each and every one of the gods that might exist, has no one involved noticed that Republicans and foreign influence campaigns will sling a lot of mud and that the results of that ratfucking will not end at the convention?
Like, Russian influence operations have repeatedly worked in US and other nation’s elections to try to find existing fault lines and feed those sources of conflict? So maybe giving in to such a campaign now, and creating a process to publicly air all the dirty laundry now, is not smart campaigning?
I’m not a PhD political scientist but I’ve seen and been part of enough political campaigns to see that this proposal would be a complete shitshow that would damage every Democrat who took part and make it harder to win the House, Senate, or Presidency in November.
Just 100% “Dems in disarray” stories until election day. “Can you trust any of these people to run a country?”
I cannot fathom the brain rot that would lead someone to write this plan on paper and then allow another human being, especially a member of the press!, to read it.
I also cannot fathom why professional Democrats are not doing more to sow division about Trump’s chaotic and mercurial process of replacing the VP he incited people to lynch. Just because we aren’t doing it doesn’t mean the GOP won’t try.
I have my suspicions they’re on Bluesky now. I’ve noticed a lot of new accounts doing nothing but talking about Democrats are morally wrong for sticking with Biden. This is all so obvious it hurts.
(Thankfully I caught the autocorrect, but seriously Siri, “ratducking” is not a word.)