
There is an imbalance between what is news and what news orgs believe news to be, and this whole Biden-must-step-down cycle, now more than a week on front pages, is a prime example of that. Notice the breadth of this-from news to opinion-and lack of balance on Trump and the right wing power grab.
A day later the NYT continues its wall-to-wall coverage on Biden's candidacy. Still waiting for the "Trump should bow out" coverage. On the day we celebrate our independence from a king, and 4 days from when SCOTUS sets up the possibility of a king, this is what our media is focused on.
NYT is showing it’s true colors 💩
Nailed it Josh. And yesterday's Stephanopoulos Interview was more like the Spanish Inquisition of the same rehash BUT NOTHING ON THE DANGERS of the Felon, adjudicated Rapist, Lying Prick who'd surely finish the job for Ruination of America. Sickening, gotcha breaking news BS.
I hope that a Biden win will create a flood of NYT cancellations. Certainly well-deserved. Mine occurred years ago. All the news that’s fit for bird cage lining.