
I’m torn on this question and think you’re making a compelling serious argument. But I will say the one bit of evidence we *do* have that a non Biden D would not be saddled with the unpopularity is that D’s are polling like 5-7 points ahead of Biden in basically every statewide race.
Look, you all can go round and round on this all you want, the people who aren't partisans are not going to vote for the guy who was on stage last night, no matter how absurd Trump is, he looked vibrant and did not seem diminished To casual voters, independents, and undecideds, that will matter
Nah. It’s June. Nobody will care by September at the latest. Calm down.
Thanks Uncle Dude, really appreciate the heads up...I am sure he will seem much more coherent in several months and nobody will remember that his number one negative was confirmed on a stage on national television ...also, not my first rodeo :)
He was much more coherent twenty minutes after the debate. Seriously, just go outside.
ROFLOL, yes, I am sure it is all over and fixed (also, did you think I didn't see that speech? Seriously) Okay, have a nice night!