Josh Stokes

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Josh Stokes

Business litigator, dad of a bunch of kids, second smartest person in my marriage, king of the grill. In the City of Angels.
Depends on the poll. In some places she's out in front of Biden.
The Democratic nominee is going to win. Trump is going to lose. And thank God for that.
Yes, I did. Which is why I say his mind is still sharp, but his communication has declined. And as I said above, people listening for the details recognize that. But most people aren't listening for the details, which is why we are where we are.
I am risk averse about the switch. I would stick with Biden, personally. Think there is too much opportunity for mischief to be created by the GOP and certain judges.
I agree with that. His thinking is fine, it's his communication.
No, it's actually quite a drop off. If you go back and listen to him 4 years ago, his communication was a lot sharper. It was even considerably better last year.
It's a shame, too, because I'm a huge fan of his and I think he has been a wonderful president. I would love nothing more than to see him finish out a second term.
Sometimes extenuating circumstances get in the way. Rarely, but sometimes. The frustrating thing is that Biden doesn't appear to be suffering cognitive decline, meaning he seems still mentally sharp, but he is suffering a communication decline. But since most people don't care about the details...
... and are instead just focused on what he sounds like, we are where we are. There are a lot of risks associated with switching candidates right now. Whether they are greater or lesser than sticking with Biden, only time will tell.
We can't run new primaries. There's no time for that. It wouldn't be a coronation, it would be the delegates of the party voting for her as the nominee. That's how nominations work.
And seriously, what do you think her platform is? We already know what her platform is, it is the Biden Harris platform. And to the extent that it would be different, it would be different in minuscule ways that would not change the importance of voting for her.
He's despicable. The dongsteen account is hilarious.
Yeah, they become agents of Satan, pawns in his antagonism of the saints.
Not enemies generally, The Enemy, i.e., Satan. It is amazing how often guys like him, who are fleecing the people who trust them, do so by pointing to some nameless evil that is somehow responsible for everything bad in their life. It is sadly more amazing that it works so consistently.
Just pick a horse and ride! Come on.
It isn't that the primaries don't matter. It's that the people wanting Biden out look at how significantly his ability to communicate has declined over the last several months. And so they are asking him to step down voluntarily.
So, the problem with this theory is that (1) since the founding of the Republic it has been understood that federal judges have life tenure based on the language of Art. III, S.1, and (2) in order to get to a different understanding you'd need the Supreme Court to rule that way or an amendment.
It's just not something you can pass through Congress and have the President sign.
Let's go to the tape: "If, then, the courts of justice are to be considered as the bulwarks of a limited Constitution against legislative encroachments, this consideration will afford a strong argument for the permanent tenure of judicial offices, since nothing will contribute . . .
Ugh, twin Dane Cook and Trump shudders at the same time.
I'm not sure I understand. The courts could try and enforce what decision?