
The place im coming from is that we’ve got a solid four months to try to turn “less worse” into “actually good” and a key part of that process is not giving in to “less worse” as an acceptable option
No one’s asking you to cheer. Just vote for less worse without months of repetitive, performative, wounded missives. We all heard it the first 300 times. None of us is the center of the universe.
we have six weeks until the convention and it’s already unclear what would happen legally if we tried to switch now. I take your point but the time just isn’t there.
It’s pretty clear actually - Biden can’t legally transfer his 100M in campaign funds to anyone but Harris, and Heritage Foundation has already said they can’t wait to bleed out B/H/DNC with lawsuits in every state should there be an attempt at transfer In a word, whole idea is a disinfo campaign
There are a whole lot of Democratic senators and representatives calling for it.
We don't have a full list, but reportedly double digits of senators. Warner of VA is leading a group.
Kind of weird not to show a formal list, and reported numbers via who? This is what I mean by disinformation. Without concrete provenance it’s just another rumor among dozens of rumors
That's without going into the relatively high # of registered Dems who are functionally Republican. I don't particularly trust those people to act in good faith either
I don't have any confidential sources. A US senator, in the same party, has said he has other senators and representatives and that they'll be working next week to convince Biden to step down. Any major media outlet is reporting about said members on background for now.
There is absolutely no legal reason for not having an open convention but it rests on Biden putting the country over his ego and stepping aside
"I feel unclear, so they should concede to a wannabe tyrant," isn't the firmest ground.