
I think is right to point to the 0.7% response rates as one factor. But it’s also media coverage. Mainstream reporters simply do not treat Trump’s statements, plans, or behavior fairly. It’s why I lamented that death-threats-as-politics isn’t being treated as an emergency.
I’m not surprised people just don’t realize the risks here. Political media has gone to extraordinary lengths to normalize Trump and the antidemocratic turn of the Republican Party, often consciously participating in the lies to maintain the know-nothing stance that pretends there is no context.
I mean, Trump also represents himself as a defender of democracy and a victim of its corruption? I assume the most Qanon-pilled voters would take this poll and think absolutely, Trump will protect democracy while Biden will further its corruption.
Like the article even admits that Trump presents himself this way, and then yet talks itself into thinking that the finding represents something other than Republicans believing what Republican leadership says.