Josh Gruber

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Josh Gruber

Biology. Oncology. Academic physician-scientist @UTSW. Dallas, TX. Running a synbio lab for chromatin, immunotherapy, cancer biology, drug discovery, and photo-sensing.
We are looking to hire some scientists at various levels from techs to grad students, postdocs or senior scientists. Check out our projects here: Please re-post.
The Gruber Lab @ Joshua Gruber's laboratory webpage at UT Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center
“Wayne Dyer says that when you squeeze an orange, what comes out is orange juice. When you get squeezed, whatever comes out is what’s inside you.” Wonderful quote stolen from Rick Rubin’s book The Creative Act.
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Hellooo Bluesky! I am trying to grow my tiny lab at Vanderbilt and am recruiting 1-2 postdocs who will help me tackle addiction heterogeneity. Please reach out if interested! All reposts are appreciated!
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Anyone ages 12 – 26 living in the United States can get a San Diego Public Library Books Unbanned card. With the card, the library’s online collection of banned or restricted eBooks and eAudiobooks are available for FREE, no matter where you live in the U.S.
San Diego's Books Unbanned protects the freedom to Library Foundation SD and library launch Books Unbanned in San Diego to resist book bans, promote intellectual freedom among young readers, and cement libraries as a place where everyone belongs.
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Reposted byAvatar Josh Gruber
Share your REU & Internships (paid only) links with me below in the responses. I will share with ~140 current STEM Scholars & ISU SACNAS chapter.
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MIT general is here ( There is also a separate MSRP for the Biology department ( but many of us biologists are in other departments (I'm in CEE!) and recruit from the general program.
MIT Summer Research Program | MIT Office of Graduate
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Avatar One of the most interesting epigenetic papers I have seen in a while. Proposes that 3 simple rules govern inheritance of epigenetic states. One for the textbooks.
Design principles of 3D epigenetic memory The three-dimensional folding of the genome can help cells remember their identities.
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I’ve got about 1/40th as many followers on this site as I had on the bird site, but I feel I’ve almost got enough to have conversations and make connections like I did before the other place went 😵. Need to keep posting here and visit there less. Thanks for being here everyone! #academicsky
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🚨 Structural and Computational Biologists🚨 Join our vibrant community at Scripps! We offer a blend of: 👩‍🔬🧪📊Innovative science 🧬🔬🦠Cross-department collabs ☀️🌞🌈Perfect weather 🏖️🩴🌴Pristine beaches 🌮🐟🌯Yummy fish tacos DM me for Qs/deets!
Reposted byAvatar Josh Gruber
This is my Fish Crow. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My Fish Crow is my best friend. It is my life
It seems to me that the time is ripe for a Bluesky thread about how—and maybe even why—to befriend crows. (1/n)
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Excited to see the main chapter of my PhD published! This was a huge team effort - the experimental setup alone took years to complete and none of it would have been possible without my colleagues Konstantin Neuhaus and Kazuki Nosho, as well as of course my supervisor Knut Drescher and many others!
Simultaneous spatiotemporal transcriptomics and microscopy of Bacillus subtilis swarm development Spatiotemporal transcriptomes during multicellular development of Bacillus subtilis swarms reveal supra-generational cooperation.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Gruber
ICYMI on Wednesday, "Genetic Dissection of the TLR Paradox in SLE", a very interesting 'Global Immunotalks' seminar by Mark Shlomchik.
"Genetic Dissection of the TLR Paradox in SLE" by Dr. Mark GLOBAL IMMUNOTALK 11-15-23
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"Finding a story to tell in the complexity of your work will sometimes be tricky. It’s always worth starting with the end in mind. You are trying to get attention and you’re trying to get a reaction. This might lead to curiosity and the ultimate goal: engagement."
Why storytelling should be part of your professional Because we can all understand and become engaged by stories, using storytelling and narrative to communicate about research can be a powerful tool. This makes it a useful ability for scientists to dev...
Reposted byAvatar Josh Gruber
Great piece from Dr. Kate Marvel. The fossil fuel industry is not only hampering our ability to transition by refusing to plan for a phasing out of oil, coal and gas, but also by dampening our belief that we can create a better world without them. But we can, we already are.
Opinion | I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Something has changed in the United States, and not just the climate.
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Avatar "a person’s enemies have more enemies, on average, than a person does." - theoretically predicted & empirically verified. it's very reassuring to know this. thank you.
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That 'select' has been the problem for the last decade "These results suggest that programmed cell death protein 1 blockade may benefit a select group of patients with brain metastases, and support further studies to identify biomarkers and mechanisms of resistance."
Pembrolizumab in brain metastases of diverse histologies: phase 2 trial results - Nature In a phase 2 trial of patients with untreated, recurrent and progressive brain metastases treated with an anti-programmed cell death protein 1 inhibitor, the overall intracranial benefit rate was 42.1...
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At a recent lab meeting, a question came up about frequency and amount of publication bonuses for academics depending on area of research, country and type/level of institution. Where I work, no such thing. Curious to know what it's actually like elsewhere. #PsychSciSky #Socialpsych #AcademicSky
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To everyone who wants Bluesky to be a success, especially now that Elon is going further down the antisemitism hole, a few tips. A short thread 🧵 1. Repost other people’s posts. This is essential. Please. 2. Also like other people’s posts. 3. Over-follow lots of people 1/n
Men Wear Pink Campaign for Breast Cancer is underway for the month of October. I am an ambassador for North Texas. Help the American Cancer Society fund the next breakthrough for patients. #bcsm Donate here:
I am putting together a Year-in-Review lecture on Basic Science of Breast Cancer and I would love to highlight *your* work. Please comment with all your marvelous papers. Or papers you loved. Pre-prints ok too! Anything from 2022-2023 works. 🧪🧪🩻🩻🩺🩺
Reposted byAvatar Josh Gruber
Our department is soliciting applications for an Assistant Professor position studying fundamental aspects of genetics, genomics, evolution, and/or developmental biology. Bring it on!
Assistant Professor - Genetics, Genomics, Evolution and Development - Department of Molecular and University of California, Berkeley is hiring. Apply now!
Planting a flag here for our work as a research lab at UTSW. Working on epigenetics, immunotherapies, drug discovery, synthetic biology, cancer biology 🩻🩺 🧪
The Gruber Lab @ Joshua Gruber's laboratory webpage at UT Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center
End of feed.