
A dealer in rare Af-Am books told me that Dr. King very rarely signed his own books. Staffers usually did so. Told him that my aunt was MLK's secretary and he inscribed the book to my grandfather when she introduced her boss to her parents. He said, "wow. That's really interesting." Pics below
Just got a call from the library where I donated 7 boxes of my dad’s books and they asked if I knew that I had included a copy of Why We Can’t Wait inscribed to my grandfather by MLK in 1966. I had not!
I misheard the title. Those of you who followed me over from the bad place may recall that my grandfather was the first US Army combat medic into Dachau. So these guys met in '66 with strong antiwar positions that they came to along very different roads.
Oh wow. 2 of my wife’s grandparents were liberated from there.
Wow. He may have treated them. He was with the 45th Infantry Division.
I don’t know much of their experience beyond where they were. I never got to meet them and in laws don’t talk much about it. I’m assuming it was not a big point of conversation in the house.
I get it. My grandfather only ever told funny war stories until he was on his death bed.
Next time I see them I’ll ask.
lolz the bad place - it's so good to be out of there!