Mary Grace

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Mary Grace

Retired archivist, librarian, and linguist who is a feminist, voracious reader, mom, grandma, pacifist, socialist, and supporter of trade unions and the welfare state. I like digital preservation and old photographs.
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I pick this guy with a bandaged ear over the other guy.
Nationalize everything that has been privatized.
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I only read about half of The Privatization of Everything before I had to stop from sheer rage and frustration but there’s a whole section about how the attempted privatization of the NWS has already led to people dying from tornados as subscription services get weather alert priority.
It's because they want to privatize weather. They tried doing it under his last administration but many people didn't really notice beyond the weird hurricane drawing he did. It's also why they cut (or at least tried to it's been a minute since I read that stuff) a bunch of NASA Earth's funding too
Trump’s Pick to Lead Weather Agency Spent 30 Years Fighting Who owns the weather?
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The Royal Mail categorically should NOT be sold to a Czech billionaire!! 🇬🇧✉️📮
I pick this guy with a bandaged ear over the other guy.
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“For many library workers, the material consequences of unchecked capitalism are the stuff of everyday life.” Emily Drabinski on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism:
The Library Is a A socialist former president of the American Library Association on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism.
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If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
I am SO sick of Trump sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Why have the media given him so much space for so long? I really blame them for this. If I never see another headline about him in my life it would be such a relief.
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I hadn’t seen the news yet, but have now. So much for transparent, accountable government, the chain of custody, and the authenticity and integrity of historical evidence. I am disgusted and appalled, both as an archivist and as a citizen. Judge Aileen Cannon must be removed from the bench.
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There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
My book-buying budget is not what it once was, which is precisely why I’m using the library more. It also gives me the opportunity to read books that I’m not sure I want to add to the home library (not that there’s a lot of room to do that anyway).
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First morning glory of the season yesterday! It was a 93° day so it knocked off early, gone by lunchtime. 🌱 #FlowerReport Newton, MA
These science feed rules are so good and should guide everything we post even if it's not about science. HT
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Reposted byAvatar Mary Grace
This is devastating to see as war and vaccine disinformation continue to hamper efforts to protect our children -so many kids with zero vaccines or incomplete vaccines to completely preventable conditions 🧪
War has prevented 15m children being immunised against diseases, UN Vaccine misinformation has added to crisis of collapsed healthcare and poor nutrition, Unicef and WHO report
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Most importantly, scientists are working with the local Māori iwi (tribes) to do the research respectfully since "New Zealand’s Indigenous people consider whales a taonga — a sacred treasure — of cultural significance." 🧪🦑
A spade-toothed whale washed up in New Zealand and scientists will get the chance to research the elusive creature. Never seen alive, these whales dive deep and rarely surface. We don't know much about them, nor how many there even are. 🧪🦑
World’s rarest whale may have washed up on New Zealand beach, possibly shedding clues on Spade-toothed whales are the world’s rarest, with no live sightings ever recorded. No one knows how many there are, what they eat, or even where they live in the vast expanse of the southern Pacific O...
I completely remember when my biggest fear in my twenties was nuclear war. It’s still one of my biggest fears, but it’s been joined by so many others.
This is in a reply thread but I'm taking it here to say: it's easy to forget when things seem dire that many of us have lived through miracles. As a fourteen-year-old I thought I wouldn't live to see thirty. I was certain the world would blow itself up long before then. It didn't happen.
If you’re still on the bird platform…WHY? 🐦
I'm so tired of this 'suggested without evidence' construct. It's not hard to say he immediately spun a conspiracy theory. Anyway, he's been tacitly endorsing Trump for years. Fascists like fascism.
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Life is sweet because it doesn't last. To die is what makes you human; not, as computers will insist, picking all the images with traffic lights
Biden is right. It is time to cool things down. Trump with his raised fist shouting “fight, fight, fight” just stoked the flames, like he has done for the past 16 years.
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