
Study of the top 5 newspapers found "144 articles focused on either or both Biden’s and Trump’s ages or mental acuities in the period studied, with 67% focused just on Biden’s age or mental acuity and only 7% on just Trump’s." It's clear bias, but we haven't been beating that drum for generations.
Top newspapers fixate on Biden's
The tone of the coverage is a bigger problem than the disproportionality. If they ran a zillion stories about how he walks stiffly and has always been famous for his gaffes but there's no evidence that he's suffering from dementia, they'd be doing their jobs.
If the media weren't so hostile toward Biden we woulda seen stories contrasting how those who work with him--including adversaries--say he's sharp and well prepared with how the cognitive declines of Dianne Feinstein or 2nd term Reagan were widely know open secrets. It's an obvious assignment.
And of course the quality of the sourcing (politically motivated hatchet job by discredited Special Counsel vs. hours and hours of videotaped unhinged word salad)