
NEW: Judge Merchan says that he's signed the latest order to show case and will hold a hearing next Wednesday at 2:15 p.m. ET on Trump's four latest alleged gag-order violations. (For all we know, he may rule before then on the 10 alleged violations about which he's already heard arguments.)
This morning in Judge Merchan's courtroom, prosecutor Chris Conroy said the Manhattan DA's office was filing a THIRD order to show cause to hold Trump in contempt for 4 additional violations of the gag order in the last 3 days, bringing total to 14.
Is the function of penalties for contempt of court to express that the court does not like being treated with contempt, or is it to stop the contemptuous behavior? If it's the latter, the judge should think about doing something different.
Fines are what the PROSECUTION is asking for. THEY are asking for graduated penalties. Making it clear that requests and fines are not working before jail time is requested.
What's the old rule? Anything punishable by a fine is essentially legal for the wealthy.
Good. For each violation two more days spent discussing violations. Rinse, repeat.
Good, keeps him off the campaign trail
I'm more and more convinced every day that this is now a delaying tactic by Trump.
This next hearing is on the scheduled day off. You’re right that’s a good reason for him to keep doing this. $1K is nothing for his campaign to pay on his behalf
And then consider the fact that he will just keep doing this until the judge tries to put him in jail and then that will get a hearing, then an appeal, and probably an emergency appeal to the supreme court on something like, "what do secret service do when a former president is in jail?"
🎶 This is the song that doesn't end Yes, it goes on and on, my friend 🎶
They need to jail him. He is openly disrespecting the court.