
And it's no different from the bulls#@t I read from Chris Hedges years ago when he said that "voting is useless". Really? So why are the GOP trying so hard to deny voting rights to marginalized groups?
Which is why I don't give Hedges and his ideological kin any credibility. But I've been seeing these damn people flapping their jaws in the same way since 1980, and keep wondering just why the hell people fall for it.
What pains me is that I used to respect Hedges. I even bought one of his books years ago and found it to be a solid read. But over the past decade it's clear that the cheese has slipped off his cracker. Now he prefers to praise dictators and is okay with the US falling apart.
I've always had an uneasy feeling about Hedges and some others in that particular grouping. But I also saw a lot of sexism in left-progressive politics back in the day--hell, experienced it.
When I was younger I did hear stories like this but I admit that I didn't take them seriously. And then 2016 came along and I saw the sexism and misogyny directed at Hillary Clinton and was stunned to see just how much of it came from so-called "progressives".
Yep. I was a mouthy feminist back in the day, and did I ever get it at times.