Judah Mahay

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Judah Mahay


✨Literary SFF Author. Explorer of this human enigma.✨ English Professor by day. Hockey player by night. Happily married. Vegan | Alaskan | Querying

For #Juneteenth, let's repost with your favorite black author, or a black author you want to read. Dread Nation by Justina Ireland It's an alt-history contemporary fantasy based out of a school minutes from my house. The book is sitting on my desk. Can't wait to read.
I just discovered a new anthology, and I kinda freggin' love it: I just submitted my reject (21 rejections for this story, many of them personalized and asking for more, story just too weird). You should send yours as well! calendaroffools.com/submissions/ #WritingCommunity
Submissionscalendaroffools.com Calendar of Fools is seeking your rejected stories for the Intergalactic Rejects anthology. Sometimes you have a really good story that just hasn't found a home among the markets and magazines. It doe...
I’m done. Trying not to think my first agent was a fluke. Focusing completely on the new WIP. ❌QueryTracker Premium Cancelled ❌Publishers Marketplace Cancelled ❌Pending Queries Closed ❌2 Years Querying 2 Books All that remains: 🍥7 Indie Subs Still Pending #writingcommunity
Per advice, I've compiled the books I am querying into a page on my website. For any agents or acquisition editors out there, may my near-future Frankenstein retelling or character-driven, literary fantasy pique your interest: #WritingCommunity www.judahmahay.com/amquerying/
Books I’m Queryingwww.judahmahay.com Though I’ve written four books over these last twenty years, I currently have two polished, beta-read, and heavily revised novels I’m querying: A near-future, high-concept Frankenstein retelling and a...
#WritingExercise: "Writing Around the Edges." I.E. no nouns for the MC. None. Yup, none. Details in the link that follows. What effect will this have? Why would you do this? Thoughts? Observations? #WritingCommunity
#WritingPrompt #WritingCommunity Who could this have been? Who is looking at this photo? What are they trying to figure out?
What inspired your novel? I stumbled across this image on Instagram and couldn’t help but ask what their relationship was. So, I wrote a story about a remorse-filled mother and her soul-eating dragon godchild. #writingcommunity
Pinky Thinker Press is open for submissions! ✅They are amazing! ✅They pay pro rates! ✅They love experimental art. ✅Including SFF! ✅And previously published material! Share, repost, and submit! #WritingCommunity www.mignolo.art/pinkythinker...
About — mignolowww.mignolo.art
My first pro-paying short story is live!!! Read the tale of an irate AI demanding a soul in Pinky Thinker Press! #WritingCommunity Digital (free): www.mignolo.art/ptp Print (buy): www.amazon.com/gp/product/B...
Pinky Thinker Press — mignolowww.mignolo.art
Just signed my first professional-paying short story contract! Thank you again to Pinky Thinker Press for believing in my story of an irate AI demanding his soul! #writingcommunity
Just got the acceptance letter to teach at Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth this summer! I get to create a 1-week intensive (5hrs/day) writing course exploring “On Being Human” to genius middle school and high school kids. Stoked! And a bit terrified. Wish me luck. #writingcommunity
Update: The Cost of Undying 2 years querying 182 rejections 0 query full requests 1 pitch editor full request 1 query maybe pile In a maybe pile! First time for my dark literary fantasy. ✨Feel like this is a moment. Praying I at least get a personalized rejection. 🙏 #WritingCommunity
#WritingCommunity, let’s play a game: If I was an agent I would rep… …authors who write literary speculative science fiction and fantasy that are just as interested in literary success as commercial. Authors who dig into human angst with piercing tools of magic and/or bionics.
So close! "It's clear that you've devoted a lot of hard work to this project, and your passion comes through in your writing. However, while there is a lot to be commended, I worry that this project is too similar to one already on my list..." #amquerying #writingcommunity Book in question below:
Reposted byAvatar Judah Mahay
Per advice, I've compiled the books I am querying into a page on my website. For any agents or acquisition editors out there, may my near-future Frankenstein retelling or character-driven, literary fantasy pique your interest: #WritingCommunity www.judahmahay.com/amquerying/
Books I’m Queryingwww.judahmahay.com Though I’ve written four books over these last twenty years, I currently have two polished, beta-read, and heavily revised novels I’m querying: A near-future, high-concept Frankenstein retelling and a...
Celebrating Trans Visibility Day! You are seen! Keep being the awesome you.
Trying to figure out TikTok. Any advice please? I posted a recent promo reel that’s getting traction, and I don’t want to lose momentum. Profile link below.👇 #WritingCommunity #booktok www.tiktok.com/@judahmahaya...
TikTok - Make Your Daywww.tiktok.com
Updated the blurb for Body Insurance: #WritingCommunity Would you read this? Any comp suggestions? Rose is society's dark secret, not thought possible, assembled by Viacorp from a biopod unit—an interconnected composite of organs and tissue all too ubiquitous called “body insurance.” (thread)
Per advice, I've compiled the books I am querying into a page on my website. For any agents or acquisition editors out there, may my near-future Frankenstein retelling or character-driven, literary fantasy pique your interest: #WritingCommunity www.judahmahay.com/amquerying/
Books I’m Queryingwww.judahmahay.com Though I’ve written four books over these last twenty years, I currently have two polished, beta-read, and heavily revised novels I’m querying: A near-future, high-concept Frankenstein retelling and a...
Just got a FULL REQUEST!!!! I'm beyond excited! One step closer. 350 rejections tallied in the search for a new agent. Don't lose hope. Discarded or unseen authors still have worth. Perseverance pays. When in doubt, I recall my thesis advisor's words about my novel. #writingcommunity