Judah Mahay

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Judah Mahay


✨Alaskan SFF Author. Explorer of this human enigma by taking science to plausible extremes and reality to the magical.✨ English Professor by day. Hockey player by night. Married | Vegan | Querying

Designed a mock cover for my novelette, The Sky Gilded Gray, I've been submitting. A romantic tale where a lightning harvester’s infatuation with a princess almost gets him killed. Til he's saved by another woman, only to be trapped with his injured savior on an island where true feelings grow.
For #Juneteenth, let's repost with your favorite black author, or a black author you want to read. Dread Nation by Justina Ireland It's an alt-history contemporary fantasy based out of a school minutes from my house. The book is sitting on my desk. Can't wait to read.
#WritingExercise: "Writing Around the Edges." I.E. no nouns for the MC. None. Yup, none. Details in the link that follows. What effect will this have? Why would you do this? Thoughts? Observations? #WritingCommunity
#WritingPrompt #WritingCommunity Who could this have been? Who is looking at this photo? What are they trying to figure out?
What inspired your novel? I stumbled across this image on Instagram and couldn’t help but ask what their relationship was. So, I wrote a story about a remorse-filled mother and her soul-eating dragon godchild. #writingcommunity
Just signed my first professional-paying short story contract! Thank you again to Pinky Thinker Press for believing in my story of an irate AI demanding his soul! #writingcommunity
Update: The Cost of Undying 2 years querying 182 rejections 0 query full requests 1 pitch editor full request 1 query maybe pile In a maybe pile! First time for my dark literary fantasy. ✨Feel like this is a moment. Praying I at least get a personalized rejection. 🙏 #WritingCommunity
So close! "It's clear that you've devoted a lot of hard work to this project, and your passion comes through in your writing. However, while there is a lot to be commended, I worry that this project is too similar to one already on my list..." #amquerying #writingcommunity Book in question below:
Updated the blurb for Body Insurance: #WritingCommunity Would you read this? Any comp suggestions? Rose is society's dark secret, not thought possible, assembled by Viacorp from a biopod unit—an interconnected composite of organs and tissue all too ubiquitous called “body insurance.” (thread)
The first line of The Cost of Undying: Too often, Lunith has scraped blood from her fingers, harvested souls even, to keep her dead brother tethered to this life, but why was this time different, strangely…difficult? #amquerying #writingcommunity
Her existence threatens to shatter society's dependence on these individually crafted flesh composites. Held in captivity and experimented on, Rose discovers she was designed to die and must escape to survive, fight those chasing her, and claim a sense of humanity.
And this happened. No power. Kids are ecstatic.
Happy Year of the Dragon 🐉 (农历新年快乐), fellow #writers. May your WIPs be full of fire and fury! Now go eat some long noodles and dumplings! #authorlife #writingcommunity
Feeling up…maybe ✨ manifesting ✨ A full out. Requests from indie presses. Multiple shorts out and a novellete on sun at professional mags. Numerous personalized rejections, commending me on my writing and pitches. 💫 So close 💫 #amquerying #writingcommunity
Moodboard for my WIP: Land of a Thousand Ashes #writing #amwriting #writingcommunity
His Dark Materials x The Witcher To save her little brother, Lunith bound his soul to his dying body—cursed to an unlife. Then, after years of searching, she finally finds a forbidden cure in a dragon god’s fiery rebirth, yet with dire consequences for all. #amquerying #writing #writingcommunity
Is it just me or are you all loving the new Bluesky logo? Makes this place seem a lot more real, permanent even, as opposed to the darkness of the X. #authors #writingcommunity
Frankenstein x Blade Runner x Mad Max: Fury Road Rose is secretly crafted by Dr. Vox in the labs of Viacorp from her twin’s biopod—a composite of body parts, all too common. Imprisoned and experimented on, she must escape to survive and claim her humanity. #querying #amquerying
His Dark Materials x The Witcher To save her little brother, Lunith bound his soul to his dying body—cursed to an unlife. Then, after years of searching, she finally finds a forbidden cure in a dragon god’s fiery rebirth, yet with dire consequences for all. #querying #amquerying
Last night at our little creek, just a short walk away, a soothing blanket of mist nestled down into the cuts and flows of water between twig, stone, and log. An aura of mystery and potential pervades. I cannot help but think what will time draw in these hazy lines? #writingcommunity
So, my 5-yr-old daughter just asked Santa for a unicorn drone for Christmas! God help me! What do I do? #ChristmasDread #Christmas Inspiration below:
Love how life finds a way. This tree split at the heart but thrived nonetheless. If she can find a way, so can we. This is a part of the creative impulse. To find the ‘how’ in the fragments of life. That’s why I write. To grow, to learn, and to discover. #writingcommunity #creatives
Starting the day off right. Nothing better than caffeine to get the creative juices flowing. How do you all galvanize your creative energies? #writingcommunity
Question: I’m an English Professor and I’ve been teaching Creative Writing for years. Would anyone be interested in a college level 15-week intensive course exploring the genres of fiction, poetry, and playwriting? What would be fair pricing? #WritingCommunity $299 + $90 Book $249 $199 $149
Happy Thanksgiving, @writingcommunity!!! #writingq What is something writing related that you’re grateful for this past year? #amquerying #querying #writing #writinglife #AuthorsOfTwitter #writerslift #writerscommunity
After two years in the trenches, my book Embers of Rebirth is in the maybe pile for the first time. I guess revising my query a trillion times is actually paying off. Count the victories, even the tiny ones. #amquerying #querying
His Dark Materials x The Witcher To save her little brother, Lunith bound his soul to his dying body—cursed to an unlife. Then, after years of searching, she finally finds a forbidden cure in a dragon god’s fiery rebirth, yet with dire consequences for all. #pitdark #A #DF #LFC #moodpitch
Mad Max: Fury Road x Blade Runner x Frankenstein Rose is secretly crafted by Dr. Vox in the labs of Viacorp from her twin’s biopod—a composite of body parts, all too common. Imprisoned and experimented on, she must escape to survive and claim her humanity. #moodpitch #A #SF #pitdark