
the SECOND time ken has given me covid. yay i am so happy!!!!! very cool that i will have to miss the monthly karting event on sunday. how does paxlovid work should i be calling my doctor for it? no clue what is good for covid care thesis days
I can recommend the suggested treatments here - I only used what i had ready access to - paracetamol, metformin, H1 blocker, aspirin and vitamin D3, and it really helped keep it mild. Still slept for about 3 days but symptoms cleared quickly and no lingering cough.
You've Got COVID! Minimize Your Symptoms and Reduce Your Long COVID Risk - You got COVID! Now what? RTHM offers a COVID recovery kit that lists medications and supplements to help recovery and reduce Long COVID risk.
i've got h1 and h2 blockers thanks to a friend, hopefully tomorrow i hear back from my doctor for paxlovid, i ordered AHA for saturday since i do have tachycardia, i've got multivitamins + vit d3, and dumped a bunch of turmeric in my lentil soup. no nac or nk and i took an ibprofen. hoping for good
Sounds like a solid plan - all you need to do now is rest! Being a couch potato for at least 3-4 days is actually the best thing, as i tell my chronically active friends. I had to isolate as i live with my 69yr mum so having no option but to lie in bed was great.
my issue is that i have shit on sunday that i'm really sad to miss :( otherwise, oh well. i want the ALA asap because i fucking hate tachycardia it feels AWFUL. still need to do my injection ughhhh
Oh yeah missing the fun stuff is crappy, it like "last week would have been better, then i only would have missed those 3 meetings that could have been an email". Im already on meds which slow my heart rate i figured i was good. Hope the ALA works well for you.
really hoping so! it is a very uncomfortable symptom to me