
Unfortunately, I do think that a Trump regime would involve a lot of red state terrorists conducting a lot more mass shootings in blue areas. The Troubles had bombings: mass shootings are our US terrorist modality of choice.
So, like, more mass shootings than what we're used to at present, then?
theres would be more shootings of what were perceived liberal spaces but instead of conservatives being like “thoughts and prayers” they will instead be like hell yeah i love this
tho i think if biden wins its still going to increase and we will see even more “actually it was a false flag” and “well its a shame but this is what happens when u push us too far” narratives come out
people meed to quickly realize that the american conservative movement is an existential threat to human life and should be treated as such
yes!!! “they want to kill us” is not an exaggeration in any way and i really hate how hard it is to convey that to people. even if biden wins, this faction is not going to go gently into the good night.
its not even the wants to actively shoot and kill us part its also the policy theyll enact and the type of governance they will do that will bring about a soviet collapse situation which will kill people or be unable to address upcoming climate change related disasters that also kills people
the wanting to execute people who are "traitors" part is certainly one part of it but the amount of people who may die to negligence or putting the economy into a freefall could be much higher also
I dont like the US empire and i gernally dont know what we can even do to stop it but a total collapse of governance and commerce is also ludicrously bad and can result in millions of deaths both here and abroad and just its all bad all the way down
Between the need for medicine, electricity, fuel, and food, there'd be utter misery throughout the US within days.
And layer on top of that that the weather is constantly trying to kill you, the electricity network, water pumps, and gas deliveries would likely all be out of action.
in the recent past couple of months there was a time where people in my county lost power for days at a time because of a sudden heavy storm front, blowing trees on power lines everywhere and it showed how quickly things can escalate when ppl suddenly are without food and power for like a day
which these kind of extreme weather events are going to become all more common bc of climate change, now imagine what would happen if these things are just the norm because the economic system for exchanging resources collapses
this is probably not a likely scenario but sometimes when i am paranoid i think about how few power transformers would need to go down for a nationwide blackout. i think the experts say it’s like 9 and that it wouldn’t be a logistically impossible thing for an organized group.
100%. i just don’t know how to communicate this kind of thing to non online normies without sounding like a tinfoil hat person 😔