
making the night about Biden's voice and not Trump's lies is a real choice on the part of our news media
Media has an incentive to sensationalize what was a debate that ultimately showed us that Trump is Trump and Biden is Biden Trying to make a contested/brokered convention happen is their way of making the above seem like news
It’s unsurprising but still pretty telling that the substance of Biden’s answers was never really a topic of discussion post-debate last night. It was all just “wow he sounded horrible.” Ultimate manifestation of their inclination towards style over substance.
i mean, i'm hearing from people who had an incredibly negative reaction to the first couple of minutes as well, without help from the news media. but Biden's age has short-circuited our capacity for logic, which I'm hoping to write about soon.
yeah the first 15ish minutes were kinda rough but I thought the remainder of the debate was mostly fine. Its clear tho that conclusions were set in stone within those 15 minutes for many commentators last night.
Let’s not kid ourselves and act like Biden was deftly handling facts and rebutting Trump’s lies and it was just his voice that was the problem
I agree—but Biden being bad was what they were focused on from the start. It was primed by Trump’s camp saying he’d be on PEDs. That way if he did badly or well that was the topic at hand. Biden did do bad enough though no one is talking about how insane Trump was. I think that was as designed.
I mean…it wasn’t just a hoarse voice with coherent answers. He had a softball question about abortion and managed to somehow talk about a woman murdered by an undocumented immigrant? Trump’s lies are the bigger problem but Biden did not come off well regardless.
And seemingly our democrats.
Imagine if Nixon and JFK swapped brains