
every girl has 2 wolves inside of her. the issue is she also has a bag of grain and a chicken inside of her too. she also has a rowboat that can only carry 2 of the 3 types of things inside of her at any given time. how does the girl get to the other side of the river without losing the grain or th
I don't know you but I love you. This skeet is everything
*extremely getting the point voice* chicken empty wolves chicken chicken & grain
I believe you take the fox and grain across the river Come back alone Then take the chicken across the river. But that seems too easy, I thought there were more steps.
I asked chatgpt and it said this is a very old favorite of a riddle and that you should bring the grain across first, then the wolves, then the chicken, simple!
Wait wait The boat can carry 2 wolves and a chicken, but not 1 wolf, a chicken and a bag of grain? Is there something weird about the boat or is this a truly staggering chicken and an unfathomable amount of grain?
Every girl has 2 wolves inside of her. Specifically these two.
two wolves? in this economy?