Uncut Femmes

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Uncut Femmes


I'm Julia and I'm pretty funny on occasion.

Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
you don't see a lot of goblins walking around outside bc we've hunted them to near extinction for their xp
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
TRY not to CUM you won't last 1 MINUTE playing THIS game!
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
officer i have to let you know that i do have a concealed weapon in the vehicle - i have 3 longswords, 15 daggers, 2 crossbows, 40 bolts, 10 unlit torches, 8 clubs, 4 spiked shields, and 1 wand of thunderbolt in my bag. i am going to very jerkily and quickly reach into this bag rn. to kill you.
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
"That's Katie Tightpussy, my bluesky enemy." "Of course you have an enemy on a microblogging website." "Lots of people have enemies on this site." "Yeah - lots of cunts."
analysts are forecasting up to 80% chance for doom-and-gloom posting from the julia account
lol genuinely how do are y'all maintaining hope in this current political climate? if the answer is "try to work towards local solutions and support political movements on a smaller scale" im sorry to report that the sewage has leaked down to the local level and it's also Terrible down here too
Without downloading new pics, what's it like dating you
Without downloading new pics, what's it like dating you
i went to the bskyttrpg dot bsky social and nobody there dueled you 😐
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
you know how u can put certain stuffed animals in the microwave and then they're nice and warm yeah is it wrong to want like 50 of those
We should normalize giving women (me) 20 dollars USD 😇😇😇
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
Welp, guess what I'm playing tomorrow then
Is it too much to ask for a bunch of transfemmes to shower me with infinite love and support every day until the end of all days? I don't think I'm being unreasonable in my request here
you know how u can put certain stuffed animals in the microwave and then they're nice and warm yeah is it wrong to want like 50 of those
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
speaking on behalf of all transsexual women; tell us we’re pretty
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
ayy girl r u a trans woman, cuz i’m about to socially murder that pussy
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
bernie would have won. does anybody else still think about that? i do. i wonder what things are like in that timeline often
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
i wish someone could 7zip me tbh
I am a (809f) Lich living in a modest sized dungeon in a very affluent part of the Sword Coast. My 51 goblin servants/warriors/thralls have apparently "unionized" and refuse to work until I comply with their demands. Is this legal? AITA for considering outsourcing to cheaper corrupted dryad labor
She levy on my serfs til I muster
Continuing to be relevant today. Please have some value in yourselves, dolls. And recognize the patterns of demeaning behavior cis people perpetrate against us when they feel empowered by being "in the right". It's transphobia. Even from self professed "allies". Don't stand for it.
YOU make a choice and perpetuate this toxic culture, unfortunately, if you continue to flagellate and play into these demeaning demands. You, my trans sister, are worth so much more. You do not deserve to be demeaned publicly for every misstep you make. Treat yourself with respect and love.
I think beanie babies are due for a major comeback on Bluesky right now
It's 15 dollars rn. It's well worth it. Play it and tell me about how u love it or I'll cry.
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
this game is rly good
im so normal for her im definitely not gonna kill myself over an arrangement of pixels in a video game shaped like a mean lady i want to love me
play exocolonist it has the Pronoun Slider
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
im so normal for her im definitely not gonna kill myself over an arrangement of pixels in a video game shaped like a mean lady i want to love me
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
im so normal for her im definitely not gonna kill myself over an arrangement of pixels in a video game shaped like a mean lady i want to love me
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
suck off the dealer under the table for extra chips
Reposted byAvatar Uncut Femmes
Exocolonist is on sale again time to be annoying so you folks actually buy it bc it's great :)