
you know how u can put certain stuffed animals in the microwave and then they're nice and warm yeah is it wrong to want like 50 of those
no like the ones that are designed to go in there!!! like u pop them in for a couple seconds to get them warm and they're fine not like Cooking a stuffy until it gets damaged!!
the feeling of putting one in a microwave i do think would be very Weird and off-putting though lmao
even if her name was “micro the microbaby” and she was the cutest isotope in the world and her little tag said “without microwaves, i will feel so alone in my heart i will want only death but death will never find me,” i might not be able to do it.
hm. okay, maybe then. i may have just emotionally manipulated myself into nuking a plushie.
there u go we found the angle
We have several of these, they are great for days when cramps are bad or when you're chilly! Especially good for pre-warming the bed when Kyle is out of town
Oh, good idea! I actually have a Warmie I can heat up as well which I had forgotten about
i think i’d need a separate non food microwave. i don’t have many stuffed animals left but when i was little, my mom had to have an intervention with me because i wanted to sleep on the floor because i wouldn’t kick any of them out of bed and it wasn’t big enough for all of us.
my ex has one that's a chicken and i think she said when you heat it up it smells like fried chicken? i dunno i can see how that might sound cool in an ad but i think it would be offputting in practice
fried chicken stuffie conceptually makes me want to vomit lmao
it's definitely not the sensory input i want at snuggle time!
its only like certain types i think like they gotta be made of a material that holds the heat well and doesnt degrade with the heat really badly but i know they exist!!!
Whether the stuffie has this property should be required by law on those silly tags that say DO NOT REMOVE Like yeah dude known to the state of California who cares? Can I make it warm and cuddly in the microwave?
pls just put them in the dryer less chance that you'll start a catastrophic fire