Paul Andrews

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Paul Andrews

Writer of stories for children with environmental and social themes under the name Paul Noël. Owner of Scientist and Philosopher organic cotton brand. Science nerd, a flitterbug of interesting science subjects.
Now's the time to book a cheap climate change causing flight to Greece because you could get a free natural disaster thrown in rather than see one at the cinema. Or alternatively just don't be a muppet.
Why have Greek islands declared a state of emergency? Water shortages have forced some Greek islands to ban swimming pools and turn to desalination.
Heatwaves, air turbulence, diseases, we're dying to go on holiday. But we'll keep on going because we're just a dumb monkey species addicted to #CO2caine. In ones, then 10s then 100s+, watch it unfold as even privileged people die due to climate change
US tourist found dead on Greek island of A number of tourists have gone missing as Greece suffers its earliest heatwave on record.
If we keep burning fossil fuels then we can expect to see a lot more of this and just like climate change it won't be linear.
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Earlier this year, the North Carolina Museum of Nature and Science made the sensational "Dueling Dinosaurs" fossil the centerpiece of an experimental space where visitors can meet and interact with scientists at work. How's it going? 🧪🦖📜⚒️
The Dueling Dinosaurs: famous fossils in an open A partially prepared tyrannosaur skeleton in a field jacket. Photo by the author. Earlier this month, I had the a chance to see the "Dueling Dinosaurs," which debuted at the North Carolina Museum of N...
Extreme weather events are proving that where humans thought it was a good idea to install infrastructure it actually isn't. Flooding and landslides kill three in Vietnam's north via @physorg_com
Flooding and landslides kill three in Vietnam's Flooding and landslides in northern Vietnam have killed three people, state media said Monday, after days of heavy rain that partially submerged thousands of homes.
Homo sapiens, the wise one apparently but how many of the 8,000,000,000+ individuals have any idea what is going on with natural systems due to the pollution caused by the oil and gas industry?
Microplastics hinder the ocean's ability to absorb carbon • Microplastics in the ocean are well-documented hazards, posing direct threats to marine life such as turtles and fish.
The BBC reports the sad death of an aircraft passenger. Meanwhile on the ground below the deaths related to flying causing climate change go unconnected. Time to join the dots. How an El Niño-Driven Drought Brought Hunger to Southern Africa via @YaleE360
How an El Niño-Driven Drought Brought Hunger to Southern A record-breaking drought, fueled by the El Niño weather pattern, has caused widespread crop failure and national emergency declarations in Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. Without harvests of maize, the...
The last sentence, "Research has shown that climate change will make severe turbulence more likely in the future." Really burning fossil fuels, ie flying could cause this? Time to wake up people.
Singapore Airlines: Briton killed and dozens hurt in severe Singapore Airlines says several others were hurt and the flight was diverted to Bangkok.
At least we'll be able to kill each other & some of "them", as our dumb nationality fights over drastic diminishing food & water resources availability in a 1.5, 2 or even +3C world, due to Tory policies.
Rishi Sunak vows to boost UK defence spending to 2.5% of GDP by The PM says billions of extra spending will put the UK's defence industry on a "war footing".
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Link to share just in case someone you know is still skeptical about climate change…
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Our Scicommer Daniel represented ESCI at the Nutri-Know project's assembly, capturing key moments and brainstorming with our scientists to find innovative solutions for stakeholder involvement and how potential barriers can be overcome in the Nutri-Know project. #Scicomm 🧪
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Multiple reports now show that renewables are the cheapest form of energy in history. And costs continue to decline. 🧪💡🔌
Renewables Increasingly Beat Even Cheapest Coal Competitors on Competitive power generation costs make investment in renewables highly attractive as countries target economic recovery from COVID-19, new IRENA report finds.
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Encouraging statistics…to convince the skeptics, the next step is to document how this will keep additional money in consumers’ pockets.
The transition to renewable electricity is underway globally. In 2022, ~85% of the new electricity generation capacity added was renewables - wind, water and solar. Globally, renewables now accounts for 46% of all generation capacity. 🧪💡🔌Source:
We have to drastically reduce fossil fuel burning right now if we want any sort of stability in the near future. Our normal life is going to be disrupted in the coming years and it's now a question of how much.
'Liquid gold': An olive oil shortage is fueling record prices and food insecurity A shortage of olive oil has driven prices to record highs, fueled a crime surge and pushed the industry into crisis mode.
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Heatwave across Asia: the main advice for people across the Philippines is to "avoid outdoor activities" how are we supposed to adapt to these conditions? Large crowds sought shelter in airconditioned shopping malls, is this the future for those caught in heatwaves?
Photos: Southeast Asia swelters in record-setting The excessive heat across the region has triggered health alerts, shuttered schools and put pressure on power grids.
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An orangutan was spotted using a medicinal plant to treat a wound on his face. It appears to have worked. 🧪 I love this. Every time we think we people are so special, we are so wrong.
This orangutan used a medicinal plant on his face Rakus the orangutan appeared to be treating a cut to his face with a plant that’s also used in traditional human medicine.
More crops being hit by extreme weather but the plastic protection they use will spew micro & nano sized particles & using even small amounts of heating of vineyards is adding to climate change. Humans must change because otherwise physics & chemistry will do it for them.
European farmers battling 'devastating' spring A late spring cold snap has fruit growers and winemakers in Germany and Europe worried. The German Winegrowers' Association has warned that this year's harvest is at risk.