D - Still Learning

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D - Still Learning


Coming from Post. All photos mine, unless noted. Like to spend time outdoors. Science lover. Travel if and while you can…
Good morning. Purple and gold sunset from last night.
#travel - A timeline cleanse sounds like a good idea after the last week. Stratford-upon-Avon, England - September 2023. Travel if and while you can…
Something tells me the most googled phrase of the week will be “how to become an expatriate”.
Good news that some people will refuse to believe…
Vaccines teach our B immune cells (pictured) what to target. This can weaken across subsequent boosters. But, incredibly, different COVID vaccines are creating stronger responses instead, suggesting they could strengthen our immune systems against future variants and possibly even related viruses. 🧪
Here's Yet Another Reason to Stay on Top of Your COVID Vaccine Boosterswww.sciencealert.com Great news.
Yay, after 28 days, it’s finally raining!! The sweet smell of rain, and we can skip the watering for at least a few days.
#travel - View of Athens, Greece from Aeropagus Hill. Reminder after this rough week their democracy still stands…March 2024. Travel if and while you can…
Combo #travel and 🌱. Needed a calming pic from VanDusen Botanical Gardens, Vancouver - May 2024. Trying to stay away from all the political crap for a while…
This is a fun, cool weather picture for those of us sweltering today…
Haven’t done a #penguinpicoftheday #PPOTD in… well I don’t remember but here’s one for you, a chick yelling at an adult that turns out to either not be its parent, or it’s the parent and it just kept sliding right past. Like a boss. Hilarious. 🌎🧪🦑🦉
#travel - One of the craters at Mt. Etna, Sicily on a cold, blustery day. March 2024 - travel if and while you can…
#travel - Vancouver, British Columbia - Stanley Park beach walk, May 2024. Travel if and while you can…
Time to make something with all these herbs growing on the porch (already made pesto with the basil). 🌱
Positive news - what a great idea!
"Within weeks, the nation will deploy 9,000 people to begin restoring landscapes, erecting solar panels, and taking other steps to help guide the country toward a cleaner, greener future...More than 20,000 young people are expected to join during the program’s first year" grist.org/solutions/am...
The American Climate Corps officially kicks offgrist.org This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
Shades of pink yarrow. Bonus - the deer stay away from this plant.🌱
Food for thought. Many of us left Twitter because it became a cesspool, and Post was great, but couldn’t sustain momentum.
While online activism can have tangible effects, those effects aren't always durable, says iSchool researcher Katherine Cross. In this Q&A with UWNews, @quinnae.com discusses her new book, "Log Off: Why Posting and Politics (Almost) Never Mix." www.washington.edu/news/2024/06...
Q&A: Why social media rarely leads to constructive political actionwww.washington.edu But in her new book “Log Off: Why Posting and Politics (Almost) Never Mix,” Katherine Cross, a UW doctoral student in the Information School, argues that social media has limited political value.
#travel - Belgian waffles, anyone? Brussels, Belgium - April 2023. Travel if and while you can..
#travel Morning view of Mt. Rainier, Washington - two weeks ago.
🌱 Butterfly bushes in full bloom. Lots of bees active today and spotted 2 monarchs that took off when I came near with my phone.
So how can we get all the people who use their energy to spread hate to go outside and spend time looking at and enjoying the natural world?
Simply Looking At The Natural World Can Improve Well-Being, a study out of Bangor University + Technion-Israel, published by People and Nature by @Grrlscientist #UrbanPlanning🏙️ #CityLife #Trees🌲🌳 #Nature🌱 #environment⛰️ #SciComm🧪 www.forbes.com/sites/grrlsc...
#Fridaypurple 🌱 - who doesn’t love lavender? I know the bees certainly appreciate it, can hear them buzzing and landing on the flowers by 8:30 am. Ignore the ubiquitous spearmint poking through here and there….
#Travel and 🌱- Weeping Katsura Tree, VanDusen Botanical Gardens, Vancouver - last week. Travel if and while you can…
#WaterWednesday #travel - view from Oyster Dome hike last week - Washington
Saw my first upside-down flag at a tree-trimming company. Not the brightest way to solicit business. Needless to say, they’ll never get ours, and we’ll be sure to spread the word.
Encouraging news. We can’t go backwards in November…please vote accordingly.
www.oceanclimateaction.org/2024report “The Biden Administration’s leadership across federal agencies, combined with unprecedented ocean and coastal funding, is positioning the US as a global leader to leverage the ocean as a source of climate solutions” 🦑🧪🌎
2024 Ocean Climate Action Report — Ocean Climate Actionwww.oceanclimateaction.org Read the latest report on the Biden Administration's progress implementing ocean-based climate solutions.
#travel #baseball - Always fun to see a Major League Baseball game while visiting family on vacation. Bonus - free Pride hat giveaway on Pride Day at Seattle Mariners stadium. Second bonus - blowout win with grand slam by Mariners.
#Travel - View from Deception Pass, Washington a few days ago. Travel if and while you can…
#WaterWednesday #Travel Port Townsend, Washington. Gorgeous sky today. Travel if and while you can…
#travel - Morning arrives in the Pacific Northwest. Promise of a beautiful day.
#travel - Hiking today in the Pacific Northwest. No place like it…seems like ancient wisdom in these tall trees.
After I share a link about climate change or politics, I feel compelled to share a cleansing, deep-breath picture. Note the heron hanging out near the fallen tree - kayak paddle earlier this year.