
Good retort. What’s your plan? This is not a rhetorical question. I genuinely want to know. If voting is fascism and makes us slaves, what should we do instead?
Observe once again how responsibility for fixing the world’s problems is always shifted off of elected representatives and onto those who want them to act for the good of mankind.
That’s a great philosophical debate but I’m talking about real life. We have an electoral system which presents two options, both bad. What are we to actually do? Stay home until a savior is magically nominated? We have two choices. Which is in reality better for the good of mankind?
There aren’t only two choices.
In reality there are only two choices for President. A 3rd party vote for President when we have no serious 3rd parties in local and state power is masturbation. If we want to break the duopoly it doesn’t start at the top. Run some local 3rd parties and build upwards.
That’s a very easy thing to believe if you want to let yourself off the hook for voting for a genocide enabler.
Okay, but how does not voting work in that scenario? Are you not doing exactly what you’re criticizing? Absolving yourself by not voting. Then regardless of if Trump or Biden wins, you’re off the hook?
how does voting help? when they consciously and continually work against not only our basic needs but our fundamental principles and will spend money to knock any 3rd party off of any meaningful ballot. why would they change knowing they have people like you trying to convince us to keep them?
Please read more than one post before you decide what kind of people I am. I am not a Democrat and I in no way support Joe Biden. I’m asking practical questions to people who only seem to be able to argue philosophy. What are the voters of America to actually do in November? Stay home?
I have never once in this interaction told anyone to not vote.
wild we have idiots like this teaching kids