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Imagine mass murder not being a dealbreaker. Imagine having such a fungible morality. Who on earth could trust you
100k voting “uncommitted” in the Michigan primary in a grassroots campaign started by Arab and Muslim organizers. Explain to them — not me — why they have to just get over it and vote for a guy defiantly funding a genocide
I get a feeling close to vestibular dysfunction hearing tiktok songs in meatspace
Whew Biden is up 43 to 41. I was starting to worry about the election..
"Surprise"? Why? Failed assassination attempts don't normally boost a presidential campaign - esp when the shooter is 1 of your own supporters. Here's something all the many Biden doomers should consider. TIPP, the most accurate pollster in 2020, has had Biden a few percent ahead or tied all year.
The liberal allergy to “organized religion”* doing nobody any favors when it comes to dismantling political theologies like integralism * lol
JD Vance and >90% of the people at the RNC convention think of themselves as the good guys. Ascribing to them self-consciously evil intent does not help us understand what they are up to, nor does it help us reach the sorts of people who might vote for them but are still reachable.
Guy on the sidewalk who was paying no attention to anything jumped back when he finally noticed me walking the opposite direction on the same sidewalk. He said “God, you’re lucky I didn’t have my gun on me!” and I am determined to make sure this guy has no gun to have on him ever
Worthwhile to reflect on what it might mean for us in the US to have reached a point where people who haven’t achieved a place in the media hierarchy not only recognize the function of media in the national culture but also feel empowered to make demands of people who have
Biden announces he's expanding the court, names milquetoast, middle-of-the-road nominees, whines when Manchin and Sinema block confirmation, loses the election
Yesterday I woke to a premonition that the weekend would rob me of my innocence of the Cybertruck, and just now walking south on NE 30th I saw it and immediately wanted it buried, I wanted it to drive into the ground
“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church” is a poetic paraphrase of the warning the Christian Tertullian gave the Roman state a hundred years before Constantine
One of the toxic /unintended/ consequences of Soviet state atheism was that it actually, by persecuting them, gave the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe a veneer of recently historical martyrdom, which their hierarchy exploited like jackals.
It's a projection of feelings of disempowerment supported by 1) reporting on party configurations and actions suggestive of unitary identity and will, 2) high-production spectacles organized by party committees, and 3) personal experience presenting ideas and concerns to local or national officials
It is honestly sort of cute when liberals accuse the left of failing to grasp the import of the election considering the number of leftists who have in recent years inadvertently found themselves a few feet from a guy with wild eyes and an assault rifle
The New Yorker profile does help clear up some of the questions around Fetterman's unwavering support for Israel by letting the man speak for himself. Really revealing work — I thought he was blue collar. Had no idea he's an MBA or such a huge fucking imbecile www.newyorker.com/magazine/202...
R voters are scared of boogeyman and not having somebody to step on. D voters are scared of direct confrontation and agency
Need to be clear that I’m making a narrow point about motivating votes. Time and again the Dems have proven themselves unwilling to make plans to protect us or make our lives better. They care about winning elections
If they sincerely aim to make “or else Trump” the new “they’ll repeal Roe” the party’s got a ton of work ahead, that’s nowhere near enough to get the millions of leftist Charlie Browns charging that football like they need
Dude’s gotta quit subsidizing a genocide and go hard hard hard on kitchen table issues if he wants to clear 50%
Reposted byAvatar Justin
Four years later, they’ve shelved “liberal IS left” and grudgingly accept that the left is a distinct bloc capable of withholding its vote. They’re aware a Biden win in Nov depends on left-wing votes, and they are coming to understand that threats won’t work either. I guess that’s the “freakout”
It’s important to identify the exact set of ideas “the damage” describes. Are we talking about the revelation that Biden’s unscripted performances don’t inspire confidence? that centrist liberals lack principles, moral, political, and otherwise? that the NYT is not left, impartial, or credible?
This was an opportunistic blitz following a single episode at the end of a brutal primary everyone expected to be a cakewalk. Her health was not a question in 2008; in 2012 the big narrative-shifting story* was her partying in Colombia: she was fun. Biden’s mental acuity was in doubt four years ago
This is how they did it last time.
Why people are tweeting clock emoji at Bidenwww.dailydot.com The trolling has been signal-boosted by Sanders fans.
Reposted byAvatar Justin
easy to chalk the stuff in france up to some vague platitude about ~voting~ but it feels to me like more proof that you have to give people something to vote FOR, and that socialism remains better equipped to beat fascism than liberalism does! just one gal’s opinion
Reposted byAvatar Justin
“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Long since stopped counting successive sneezes but the lifetime record is eleven and this year we are pushing it
Growing up you look up to politicians and TV figures for their stable public image. Later on as an adult juggling commitments, you project your daily anxieties onto them and marvel that they hold it together. Class analysis gives a partial answer. Then you wonder if their brains are made of plastic
Van Jones says Democrats are discussing ‘how’ to replace Biden, ‘not whether’thehill.com Former Obama administration official Van Jones said Wednesday that Democrats, behind closed doors, are discussing “how” to replace President Biden at the top of the ticket, “not whether.” The CNN c…
I know that many people are making noise about not trusting AI but Safari has a link to a lone keyword search I did for "natural wine" last November listed under "Frequently Visited" and I am just saying I'm not sure there are grounds for trusting regular technology either
Woke to the sound of an old guy on the sidewalk smacking his walker for percussion and slur-shouting “I’m TIRED of it” and “I’m coming out to fucking KILL” happy 4th
It’s important to identify the exact set of ideas “the damage” describes. Are we talking about the revelation that Biden’s unscripted performances don’t inspire confidence? that centrist liberals lack principles, moral, political, and otherwise? that the NYT is not left, impartial, or credible?
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome