
This is extremely interesting. A nice reminder of how little, like probably most Americans, I know about other countries' electoral systems.
Someone asked us... how does the malapportionment of districts in France and the UK compares to that in the US? The answer in both countries is quite breathtaking.
Now this is one rule I would love to see people think about for the US. While partisan gerrymandering is a serious problem, another big problem is that with arbitrary, frequently redrawn districts people simply don't know what district they are in, or who their representatives are.
You could go even further, and simply say that each county or equivalent gets one representative, or smaller existing units for state and local legisltures. And then weight the votes of the representatives based on the unit's population. This would eliminate the need for redistricting entirely.
I believe some counties in upstate New York followed, and perhaps still follow, this model for their boards of supervisors.
Having done some electoral work in the past, I really think people undervalue simply having election districts correspond to boundaries that people are already familiar with. If you don't know who your representative is, they're not going to be accountable to you for anything.