
"Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics. In the rest of the country, infant mortality increased less than 2% over the same period."
Infant deaths increased after Texas banned abortion in early Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.
Yeah I voted for the Democrat who promised to codify Roe v Wade in 2008 and for the Democrat who promised to codify Roe v Wade in 2020, now what
Well don't vote for the party that wants a nationwide ban, you can start there.
Starting there got us here. Not going to vote for the Republicans; expecting Democrats to improve the situation is a faith-based remedy at this point. I mean Biden could encourage people to vote for Democrats in Congress explicitly on this issue. But why would he do that, other than to succeed?
So you would vote for the party that literally won't vote on a law making it where they can't ban IVF?
What party would that be? Because it was the GOP that is blocking votes protecting access to birth control not the Dems. The Dems have their problems for sure but I am begging you to be serious people here.
If only the Democrats weren't terminally unserious people.
I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who acts if there will be no difference between a Trump or a Biden administration in the next election.
Those are the people you have to take seriously, the fabled swing voters who have an outsized effect on Presidential elections. I definitely prefer Biden to Trump, he has my meaningless California vote, but a ton of the shit Biden says would be laughable if it wasn’t so horrifying.
That's exactly my point. Shumer called a vote. GOP refused to vote on it, despite saying they were for IVF.