GCU Fate Amenable To Change

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GCU Fate Amenable To Change


reformed rustc hacker. it hurt when i fell from heaven. my life is a mess in all the ways that don't matter.

you cannot do anything ironically.

pronouns: take your best guess
/14. By the way: @nytimes.com, I have a pitch for you. “Does Kamala Have What It Takes? Here’s What Twelve People In A Secure Psychiatric Facility Said While Watching CNN.”
Bound by Certainty
the river threatens you with every breath it takes. you feel fear. you find that fear comforting, in a way. to know that there is something waiting to devour you, if you let it. it feels familiar, the warmth in your chest. the taste of copper. you almost don't miss her, when you are here
Just saw the Carter Center’s newsletter sharing that not a single Guinea worm has been found in 2024 and remembered that good things really are possible
pyrrhus has been getting in trouble at work, lately. the metallic scream in her ears is getting harder and harder to ignore. she should see a doctor, probably. but what are they going to say that she doesn't already know. and, anyway, she has two more shows this week. she is living her fucking dream
you exist you have been told this You fits nicely in the context of all in which you live it does not fit comfortably it will not but it does fit. doesn't it You is a living thing and what came before you and what comes after they are breathing and they are hungry
MY BODY: hey do you wanna know the score ME: no I’m busy MY BODY: ok sorry ME: MY BODY: we’re losing btw
Crimson Guardian
daedalus has a good collection of crts now. she likes the hum. the soft whir of the vcr. she's started uploading the tapes she finds. she likes to think about the people who made them. she's uploaded some of her own stuff too. it feels good to make something. to find a way to trap the monster inside
OH: nothing happened between us we just had regular sex fixupx.com/lgbtanime/st...
lol this is such transparent gaslighting "absolutely no reason we're giving you free shipping, it's just because amazon is the good guys, completely unrelated to the fact that we will ship it together and it's effectively free for us. also if you ship to a different address it's no longer free"
thank them, for me. for being there for you. for offering new eyes through which to see familiar things. thank your friend, for sharing a world with us, and other living things. thank them for their laugh
when you tell your friends about me, tell them that I love them. I want them to know
does anyone know a way to get apple keyboard speech to text to stop transcribing “i” as “I” i added a “text replacement” from the latter to the former but it doesn’t seem to have done anything
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn’t a selfie
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn’t a selfie
"No matter how often we wondered before "how did people just let genocides occur?" we learned the answer, needing to work and pay rent and live in a world that does not stop for something so basic and central to it as a settler-colonial genocide."
Work Will Set You Freeall-cats-are-beautiful.ghost.io The genocide meant that the world should stop, everything should stop, we went into the streets, we screamed and wept, held vigils and wrote screeds, the bravest lit themselves on fire, students occup...
thinkin about that dwarf in moria who spent his last moments writing in his little diary. thats gonna be me. pen scrawl across the page as im ripped apart
If you see this, post your purple art 💜 Starlord voice: FINALLY 😈 #RuiiOCs #RuiiArt #PowerTwined #Art #OC
If you see this, post your purple art 💜 #art
getting hard and harder to shake this feeling tbh i don’t know what to do. i have had roughly the same problems for the last 9 months and approximately no change. visiting friends is nice but i can only do so much of it. it doesn’t last.
i do not exist to increase shareholder value. i don’t know why i exist honestly
there are jobs you do. and jobs you quit. and jobs where you make enough of a mess that your employer has to take the mask off grow a fucking spine and learn to love trans people
if I had a job writing for a genocidal newspaper, and an independent, astronomically large social media following, I would simply set out to get fired from that job in the most extravagant way possible, knowing that I would be fine, if slightly less comfortable. but, hey. that's just me. I'm jana
the girl with the kintsugi gender
I want you to do me a favor. I want you to picture a stained glass window. picture your hand resting against the cool glass. picture your fingers running along the leadgray lines that give the window form. picture the blood running through them: the fingers, the lines. good. cool. thanks for that
they don't want you to know this but i love you so much
I don't feel pressured to post nudes but I do feel pressured to continually insert myself into my Posts as a way of reminding the reader that I exist, while distancing myself through the haze of fiction and irony so that you never make the mistake of thinking you actually know me so do you, I think
—And not one will know of the war, not one Will care at last when it is done.—
usually people only do that kind of self reflection a few decades after the war
Play’s going well
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
We report from the kitchen window, before dawn: we thought the deep rumbles we heard would have been a truck, slowly driving past our house. Upon closer examination, the sound comes from much further away. We have stayed by the window, listening to the thunder. No lightning.
you lock the door. closing shifts are getting harder, these days. the weed is messing with your sleep again. she keeps telling you that. the pawn shop across the street is still lit up, for some reason. the neon sign advertising death inside, at competitive prices. you hear an owl. you do not see it
Hopes and Dreams Bowdon, GA
everything you experience is real and beautiful and important btw. none of those words mean anything, really. but that doesn't make it less true