Jaime Crespo

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Jaime Crespo


👋 Bonjour, hola, and hello!
👨‍💻 Senior SRE/DBA by day, 🎮 gamedev and 🤖 Godot enthusiast by night.
💻 MySQL, Linux and Python, always looking to learn more.
Did you notice it? #Wikipedia just moved its servers over 2000 Km away, and not that many people noticed it. Thanks the great work of the SRE team, we are ready to move its primary server location in just seconds to keep the free knowledge safe & available. Hear it! 👇 www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypCh...
Hear Wikipedia going down and moving to a datacenter 2000 Km away in just secondswww.youtube.com Hear the edits of Wikipedia (main Wikis minus Wikidata) (thanks to http://listen.hatnote.com/ and the Wikimedia IRC Recentchanges feed) while there is an ong...
Reposted byAvatar Jaime Crespo
Estamos en directo en twitch.tv/RothioTome Ha sido una semana increíble y os la quiero contar. Y después a trabajar, que los jueguitos no se van a hacer solos. Os espero
We surpassed the 1.5 Petabytes (that is, approximately, 1500 terabytes of compressed data) of backups back in September in our 2 primary datacenters. Remember to keep your backups running and tested!
This is the game 3 of my friends and I have been doing during the #MermeladaJam videogame design marathon in the last 72 horas. A Staring Cat-test. You can play without installing, also on mobile: jynus.itch.io/duelo-de-mia... 🙀🙀🙀🙀
Duelo de Miauradas by jynus, Luis Balladares, mooge, montes8ishjynus.itch.io ¡Si parpadeas pierdes! Play in your browser
Reposted byAvatar Jaime Crespo
The list of frequently asked questions on Musk's Wikipedia page suggests that nobody at Wikipedia is being paid enough to deal with this horseshit.
Hi, I'm Jaime and I've been working for 8 years for the Wikimedia Foundation. The following are personal views and do not represent in any way the position of the Foundation (I don't and cannot speak on behalf of it). However, you may have seen this question by Mr. Musk and I wanted to respond A 🧵:
Reposted byAvatar Jaime Crespo
The difference between Wikipedia and Twitter is that Wikipedia is intentionally a non-profit.
BTW, it is ok if you cannot/do not want to donate to Wikipedia and/or want to donate to others (I do @eff.bsky.social and Internet Archive), but consider collaborating by: writing articles (it is not that hard), correcting typos, adding references, uploading photos! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Ge...
Help:Getting started - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
Reposted byAvatar Jaime Crespo
Quite enjoying the irony of using Musk's PayPal to donate to Wikipedia.
Hi, I'm Jaime and I've been working for 8 years for the Wikimedia Foundation. The following are personal views and do not represent in any way the position of the Foundation (I don't and cannot speak on behalf of it). However, you may have seen this question by Mr. Musk and I wanted to respond A 🧵:
Aprovecho para hacer spam y sugerir donar el equivalente a un café a Wikipedia- de las pocas cosas buenas que quedan en Internet! donate.wikimedia.org
Esperando que ofrezca dinero por Bluesky
Make your donation now - Wikimedia Foundationdonate.wikimedia.org
Reposted byAvatar Jaime Crespo
¿Trabajas para tu audiencia o para el algoritmo? Una outreflexión de @outconsumer.bsky.social : youtu.be/rvSo01GTwSQ?...
Cómo quedó la presentación de hace una semana en la #PyConEs23 de Canarias sobre IA y redes sociales
End of feed.