
This is a really scary element of infrastructure collapse we don't talk about enough: all the medications we use every day just to be functional people in the world. I'm so sorry you're in this position, and sadly, you are probably the norm, broadly speaking.
Amazingly enough, my (US) insurance company's in house pharmacy (Cinga/Express Scripts) has all the Vyvanse I could need. Interesting, huh?
I'm not familiar with the Vyvanse supply, but up until 6-12 months ago, the US had a 6-12 month shortage of Adderall. My partner couldn't get her prescription filled consistently and went off it for a bit. DEA was prohibiting sufficient production of some meth precursors to meet the ADHD med needs.
Very much in the same boat, just on limited instant release methylphenidate right now, and though it only works for Boots, if you haven't seen this yet, it might be handy for you.
Boots Pharmacy Stock Information Explore Boots Pharmacy Stock Information Map to find the availability of medications in various Boots pharmacies. Check stock levels and get real-time information.
Truly sorry for your woes. The Ozempic shortages have been going on years, I had to swap meds for about a year due to shortages. A lot more of this is Brexit damage than they let on, I suspect.
The same with HRT medication as well. And they just don’t seem to give a shit.
I’m so deeply sorry you’re dealing with this. To anecdotally back up one of the threads in your piece, my UK friends on ADHD medication have been dealing with the same issue since 2023 even for non-ritalin ADHD meds. My friend in Germany on Ritalin? Not a blip. Shortages not even on her radar.
And it's the same in the EU, I had to call several pharmacies to locate a box. My regular pharmacy hasn't had the specific one for my daughter in stock since January...