samati 🌈

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samati 🌈

Sara. She/They, Mom, Queer, GenX, Taurus, fangirl. Orlando area. Tired.

I have a #loveislandusa theory: Harrison was brought in to replace Caine who we know pissed off the producers. Cassie was brought in to save Rob who can't leave bc of ratings.
The Bear but it’s about a huge bear on top of someone’s head helping him cook
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Oh my god YouTube, if I want to see breaking news I look at the news app, not the kittens and music videos app
covid is having the time of its life on Milwaukee grindr rn
Uh yeah I’m anti-woke, it’s called being a sleepy little guy, being honk shoo pilled, zzzmaxxing
This. This. This a thousand times
The reason that the language of domestic abuse and the language of authoritarianism looks the same is because it's just the same thing on a different scale.
what industry are you in and what name is overrepresented in your work, because I'm in political non-profits and we are absolutely overrun with Sarahs here, lousy with them
Think about how the most righteously pissed off woman you've ever met, still expressed anger through a filter she developed for her own safety over her life. Think about how men, who never had to develop those behavioral filters as survival mechanisms, express their anger at even trivial things
I've been working for 35 years and have never taken a proper vacation in my life, so when my sister (bless her heart) who is in recovery and has hardly worked ever and now gets to garden all day won't stop messaging me, I kind of want to lie down on the floor and cry. Yes I'm fucked up thanks.
and the most common cause of death of pregnant and immediately postpartum people is MURDER because it's such a common time for abusers to kill. So ALREADY it's a huge additional cause of death given all these new abortion bans. Add more barriers to divorce? God help us.
this is particularly alarming in light of his intention to make abortion unobtainable - pregnant people are at increased risk for partner violence, and reproductive coercion and abuse is common among people seeking support during pregnancy.
The part of my brain that works normally: uh oh, haven't eaten in a while, starting to get hungry The part of my brain that is the loudest: what if you drank three more cups of coffee
oh, so all of a sudden it’s β€œokay” to hope one of the planet’s top five pieces of shit dies? grow up
I don't want a dating site, I want a site that matches me with people who I can genuinely laugh with
I've been starting every day with chai and oatmeal and ending every day with vitamins and I don't feel different yet but I'm gonna keep going and see.
For old school Simpsons fans who fell off in the middle β€” my kids have been making me watch the last 5 seasons and I want to share, they got good again
Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
It's so obvious it's barely worth mentioning, but the right believes political violence and punishing their enemies and violent protest is for them to do to the left, and it is an affront to the natural order if done to them. That's it. The hypocrisy is part of the thrill.
Elon Musk: *gives $40 million dollars to a Donald Trump super pac* Media: "it's impossible to draw conclusions from this" Trump Shooter: *gives $15 to ActBlue once* Media: "he was a true blue democrat, once again the liberals have bought violence to this country"
Skibidi China The Chinese chicken
Happy Bastille Day! Remember that France followed America's example in their revolution, but improved on it by beheading their aristocrats instead of enshrining them at the top of a capitalist power structure. To this day their protests for workers' rights honor the memory of the guillotine πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ«‘
Check on your Gen X/Xennials, between Shelley, Dr Ruth, Richard, and now Shannen, we're having a rough time this week.
I dreamt that I moved into Bunny the Talking Dog's house in Tacoma, and they moved to northern California, except Bunny came back like Homeward Bound.
Happy international nonbinary people’s day I am enough + you are enough
you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table