
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
Simplified novels can be great for kids or for people who don’t have an easy time with reading. But writing them takes skill and it takes sensitivity - both to the original author and to the eventual reader. AI won’t give us that.
This is like automated captions, or translations. Not as good as hand made, but infinitely cheaper, and so infinitely more available. (And available *in parallel* with the original) But if you want to donate your time to producing bespoke simplifications of classics nobody is stopping you
If such things are worthwhile and there's enough demand, pay a human to do it properly.
Are you familiar with the concept of people paying other people for the things they want?
All work is done by humans, either directly or indirectly. AI will drive a global crisis if used to displace workers for the benefit of the already rich.
I highly doubt it'll be worse than the industrial revolution, given what can be done through it.
The only thing preventing mass unemployment is that it doesn't work well enough to replace most jobs, but the goal of big tech companies is to make huge profits by doing just that. It's no secret what CEOs and investors really want from AI technology.
There's an old story about a crowd gathering to watch the first steam shovel dig up a road. All impressed until someone says, "that's taking the jobs of dozens of men with pick axes" Another replies "or thousands of men with toothpicks" Protecting dumb jobs doesn't help wealth distribution
Everyone deserves fulfilling work and a good standard of living That's a political issue that doesn't get nearly enough attention, but the solution is not to artificially protect jobs that can be done by machines