
Something really fucked up just happened to me 1/n
I got myself in a weird situation where my basic tier HULU package stopped showing me ads. Mind you I don’t really have any blockers or anything so it was kinda strange.
And then these guys showed up at my door, starting banging at it really loud. I opened it and they were wearing police outfits with HULU badges and shit. They pulled me out, pushed me down and kicked my face. They didn’t bring up any charges they just beat the shit out of me and put me in their car.
They drove me to a street corner and punched my stomach. They told me I was stealing HULU’s money by not watching the ads, and that I owed them an amount of money they wouldn’t disclose. They told me that I either needed to do a full shift at their help center or do some high interest payment plan.
In the end they ended up slapping me a bunch and made me watch 4 ads for fitness apps while holding my face down like a dog getting disciplined.
Like, fuck dude they’re making it super clear that that don’t give a shit about us.