Kamau Franklin

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Kamau Franklin


Organizer, Writer, Lawyer

Community Movement Builders https://communitymovementbuilders.org/

Black Liberation Media https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC6o7j4ZNNziKnCyds8-XzA
It was 10 years ago today that the NYP murdered Eric Garner as he cried out "I Can't Breathe" and nothing has changed.
Political Violence is as American as apple pie
I thought genocide was political violence. There seems to be plenty of room for that
Reposted byAvatar Kamau Franklin
Within an hour of the shooting huge right-wing accounts were calling the shooter Antifa. Right after that MAGA elected officials started blaming Joe Biden. The truth went out the window—the fascist movement just wants to use this to spark more violence. www.jphilll.com/p/trump-shoo...
Trump shooting sparks fascist blood-lustwww.jphilll.com The right wants to turn this moment into more violence
So now there are condemnations against violence, but you can murder thousands of Palestinians without a peep
A war criminal is coming to DC to speak to a room full of war criminals. This is a time for the people to show up and show the strength of the resistance
"Most societies in the West are not opposed to violence. The oppressor is only opposed to violence when the oppressed talks about using violence against the oppressor. Then the question of violence is raised as the incorrect means to attain one’s ends." Kwame Ture
"I have declared war on the rich who prosper on our poverty, the politicians who lie to us with smiling faces, and all the mindless, heartless robots who protect them and their property," Listen to Assata
My piece in Yes magazine on criminalizing movements. Protest & Serve. "For the State, a 'criminal enterprise' was born when people poured into the streets demanding justice, abolition, defunding, and alternatives to police interactions with the public." www.yesmagazine.org/issue/access...
Protest and Servewww.yesmagazine.org Organizers working to end police violence refuse to be intimidated by growing efforts to criminalize free speech.
Spelman and Morehouse students, faculty and alumni continue to protest against the US sponsored genocide of Palestinians by Israel on the eve of the Morehouse administrations invite to give genocide Joe Biden an honorary degree.
The settler-colonialist knows they have to convince themselves & others it's their land with zionist and manifest destiny tales
Don't let those oppressing you, killing you, imprisoning you, set the terms for your resistance to their terror.
Say No to Genocide on Malcolm's birthday. Say No to Genocide at King's alma mater. Atlanta time to show we don't support Genocide anytime. #FreePalestine #StopCopCity Spread far and wide
All Out to City Hall on Monday, May 20th: From Gaza to Atlanta: The Road to Repression Runs Through Cop City.
Remembering Manuel "Tortuguita" Teran. An Indigenous queer and non-binary environmental organizer, born on this day. They would have been 28. Murdered by the police for being a forest defender in the Stop Cop City Movement. Salute!!!
Great to be on a panel with Steven Donziger discussing the theme of "Defending Rights Against Unjust Charges." Register to attend xrr.nyc/042724
If the ruling class of america loses the ability to scare and propagandize students into ideological conformity we have added a very important ingredient to a real resistance movement
From Black Atlanta with Love. Students & Alum of AUC are inviting us to join them for a vigil in affirmation of life. We will be gathering to grieve the senseless loss of life across the world that the US empire perpetuates in our names. Spread far and wide.
As James Baldwin said "Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor."
This is just another reminder that the Atlanta Police Foundation is a front for capitalists' interests. #StopCopCity
Join the Black Women led rally this Friday at Atlanta City Hall to demand that the people must decide and to #StopCopCity
Stop the sale of stolen land! From Brooklyn to Palestine, colonialism is a crime! CUNY for Palestine joins the 50+ organizations including Community Movement Builders - NY, endorsing this protest! ALL OUT ON WEDNESDAY 3/13 AT 3PM IN FLATBUSH 2701 Avenue N | Brooklyn, NY
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ICYMI - Watch the Intercommunalism panel discussion featuring @kamaufranklin.bsky.social @kazzy.bsky.social, Ericka Huggins and James Tracy! youtu.be/fo8zQqlx5_Y?...