
Personally, I will vote for anything that isn't Trump but also I don't feel like I'm voting for Biden. I'm voting for a flank of democratic policies and agenda (much I disagree with even). Big up Kamala. Big up the rest of the party's skills and competence. Big up the bigger issues.
The entire "bad dad" v "good dad" approach here has lost. Trump is also a babbling old man made possible by a well- funded and nefarious machine. We don't need a hero to end him. We need a collective assertion of reality.
They absolutely would. The news-media has declared itself to be the enemy of democracy. Treat it as such.
I feel like the coverage of Kamala Harris would be even uglier because of the racism. (See: NY Post right now.)
Yeah, the press is already tipping their hands with whatabout Kamala articles because Biden hasn't quit fast enough. They're ready to shiv Kamala if she becomes the candidate. Dying to, even. "Questions Swirl Around Harris" etc.
Anyone who knows post 70s people can tell you why both performed poorly cognitively in a post 8pm setting. One from being tired after successive long days resulting in confusion, the other from degenerative associative syndrome.
They did it to his predecessor, so, yeah.
That assumption is 100% correct.