
Johnny McEntee, one of Trump's most loyal deputies who is in regular contact with him, is literally one of the people collecting resumes for staffers who would implement Project 2025. Shame on any journalistic outfit who takes this "truth" at face value.
Today in "Trump didn't write this, someone on his campaign staff did." I don't know if Kellyanne Conway is working for Trump these days but this feels more like her style, voice, and syntax than Trump or those posting on his behalf recently.
But wait, there's more! 1. Paul Dans: DIRECTOR of P2025, was Chief of OPM and liaison to White House to help fill political posts. 2. Russ Vought: was director of OMB for Trump - a cabinet member! Likely Chief of Staff for Trump. Writing RNC party platform now. How many more dots do we need?
3. Rick Dearborn: Trump's very own Dep. Chief of Staff for crying out loud! 4. Steven Groves: White House Special Counsel of all things! Editor of Mandate for Leadership with Dans. 5. Chris Miller: Acting SecDef! NSC! 6. Hans von Spakovsky: Trump's Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
7. Dennis Dean Kirk: Was in Trump's OPM with Dans, now Ass. Director for Personnel Policy for Project 2025. 8. Paul Winfree: White House Director of Budget Policy! 9. Peter Navarro: Senior White House official for entire Trump45 term. So loyal he's in jail now for not squealing to Jan 6 Cmte.