
I am in need of immediate surgery due to an aortic root aneurysm that has reached 6 cm in size. Insurance will cover the major bulk but I am left with a steep copay amount. I hate asking but I do need help on this. (more details to follow in the replies
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Due to my unstable health, they have put off doing interventional procedure on the aortic root aneurysm that I have. It however has continued to grow and is now at a critical point where it needs to be surgically taken care of or I risk it rupturing, which the odds of surviving that are not great.
It currently sits at 6cm in size and it's beginning to cause me symptoms that are complicating other health issues that I have. Insurance will cover the bulk of the procedure, but as with all insurance there is copays for the hospital, surgeons, recovery in the ICU
And for the extensive cardiac rehab that will be necessary afterwards. Already having a pacemaker & diagnosed with heart failure, I've not been able to do a lot of cardiac conditioning due to this aneurysm, so in a way its a blessing in disguise because it should allow for strengthening of the heart
For copays I need to come up with 8000 for the aneurysm surgery to cover copays for the hospital, doctors, the immediate icu recovery and the insurance copay itself. The ongoing cardiac rehab is looking to me expensive too, but I will deal with that when I come to it
This however is as urgent as possible, especially since I am stuck in the hospital anyways.
We all hope our favourite paw fanatic survives
Everyone's got your back🦝👍
donated! you better recover or I'm gonna bite you lots!!
You could bite anyways 😇