
I don't mean to be repetitive but "AI" is being abused by the brunchlord extraction class to replace real truth-to-power journalism with hollow automated, engagement-chasing infotainment simulacrum in a bid to make money and distract the public from widespread corruption and societal decline
I am available for childrens' parties, btw
Oh you wanted a balloon dog? I thought you said balloon dog whistle!
if you ignore for a moment the massive water and power suck at a time of environmental collapse, "AI" could theoretically improve journalism dramatically by easing a journalist's administrative burdens, but that's not what these fail-upward shitgibbons in charge of major media have in mind
Where I used to work shifted from news and features about tech to a new focus on affiliate link based lists. Which a leaver leaked they were using AI to build. Poorly. Anyway, apparently it was just a coincidence that a few months later they let go of pretty much every senior journalist. 🫠
yeah these folks are simultaneously hollowing out existing outlets, while building entirely new automation farms whose only function is to (badly) automate news aggregation and drive already dwindling revenues away from actual journalism much of it is just greed, but much of it's strategic
I think you'd appreciate the comments thread about the same article going on here
Because it's an attack!!
Avatar is awesome and 100% correct and has been trying to get out her journalists to pay attention for a while now
Even knowing "AI" is another bubble that will pop in most sectors eventually, that isn't stopping it from doing damage in sectors like these. Action needs to finally be taken and the people pushing it need to be stopped.
it's part of a much larger trajectory that's been underway since at least the 80s and nobody ever quite seems interested in acknowledging half the time, much less addressing with any sort of coherent media policies or proposals
aye you can really witness this being happening as we speak
it's not at all subtle and yet if you point it out with any clarity you'll be dismissed as being hyperbolic and alarmist
aye that's kind of how we roll in 2024 :p :p
Orthogonal, but “extraction class” is a great turn of phrase and I’m going to adopt it
The AI bubble can't pop soon enough.