
I mean, it's really telling that even the background noise tech boosters on youtube are like "yeah, late-stage capitalism, am i rite?" when faced with the endless cavalcade of ill-considered, over-priced offerings in everything from VR to cars to AI gadgets. Something shook people awake this year.
I spend a lot of time on YouTube (opposite of a brag) and the internet has gotten so bad and full of scams that even non-political YouTubers I follow (see Drew Gooden's AI video today) are now making videos that boil down to "the system is breaking"
If the people whose income's dependent on being hapless promoters of the next big thing are looking at said things on offer and then are: - left saying "damn, this stuff's trash!" - looking at the existing players they once praised & must say "those guys are trash too!" Something finally snapped.