Katalin Cseh

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Katalin Cseh


MEP of Hungary’s Momentum Movement, VP of Renew Europe. MD, MSc in Health Economics. Activist, feminist, idealist. Dog mom x 2
Katalin Novák, President of the Republic & close Orbán-ally was forced to resign in disgrace—for pardoning the accomplice of a convicted pedophile She was crafting Orbán's international network & image as "protector of family values" The scandal that shook Hungary to its core👇
Orban blocking Ukraine’s EU accession is serving Putin’s interests only. www.theguardian.com/world/live/2...
The so-called “sovereignty protection” bill is another dark milestone for Hungary. A straight-up authoritarian tool to crush dissent, intimidate & punish critical voices— it aims to strangle remaining independent media, NGOs & opposition parties, already facing relentless attacks.
Hungary’s Government Submits ‘Sovereignty’ Bill Seen Aimed at Opposition, NGO Fundingbalkaninsight.com The bill on ‘protecting national sovereignty’ is regarded by opponents of Orban’s Fidesz party as another illiberal move to silence criticism and weaken the opposition ahead of the 2024 European...
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The Hungarian government has launched an anti-Brussels campaign with anti-Semitic overtones yet again, perhaps signalling that it is giving up on complying with the necessary reforms that would restore the flow of EU funds: www.theguardian.com/world/2023/n...
Hungarian government campaign renews antisemitism concernswww.theguardian.com PM Viktor Orbán seems to be returning to strategy of claiming shadowy global forces are trying to meddle in country’s politics
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Orban’s propaganda machine has picked the new enemy for the political season—Commission President von der Leyen, depicted as a Soros-stooge These billboards will soon spread the country, saying— “Let’s not dance to THEIR tune” The EU has to wake up & respond to this disinformation deluge. Quick 🧵
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Smear campaigns in propaganda media against political and civil society activists are commonplace tactics in Hungary's illiberal playbook. Watch how activists describe these attacks and @hungarianhelsinki.bsky.social's lawyer explains why seeking justice in court matters. 444.hu/2023/11/17/b...
Black propaganda campaigns in the Orbán regime444.hu If the machinery targets you, there is no escape. One of the most important and powerful weapons of the Orbán regime was first used against political opponents – but now anyone could be targeted.
This👇on top of the fact that bookstores got fined for displaying ‘Heartstopper’ without plastic wrapping. An all-out attck against LGBTQ+ representation, in an EU member state. It claims to ‘protect’ kids— while it does the exact opposite, hurting at-risk LGBTQ+ youth. reut.rs/3MmTUYx
Hungary bans teenagers from World Press Photo exhibit, citing LGBT content | Reutersreut.rs Hungary's government has banned youngsters under 18 from visiting the World Press Photo exhibition on display in Budapest, citing LGBT content in some of the photos.
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By shaking hands with Putin, Viktor Orbán is giving Ukrainians, who are bombarded every day, the middle finger, LU PM Xavier Bettel says before his last EU summit. www.wort.lu/internationa...
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🇭🇺 vs 🇸🇪 NATO accession UPDATE During its today meeting the House Committee of the Hungarian parliament failed to schedule a voting on the ratification of Sweden's NATO accession protocol. So the motivation is much more, as always has been, pleasing Russia and not Turkey.
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This is a point that often goes missing.👇 Orban, the champion of sovereignty looked anything but sovereign in the ring of his new authoritarian friends. And that makes the EU’s problem even more dire. www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
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Asked to comment on the meeting between Viktor #Orban and Vladimir Putin, Vera Jourova said on Monday: «We cannot make friends and shake hands with those who are bringing this agression to Ukraine. At a time of the highest need of staying united, we see this act of… treason.»
Remember: Orbán sits on the European Council, making decisions for the EU as a whole. And as the unanimity voting rule on foreign affairs gives him veto power, Putin is sitting there too. 🗞️ As my debut on this site, let me share my op-ed, just out @ The Guardian
Orbán’s chumminess with Putin isn’t just shameful – it is a threat to Europe’s securitywww.theguardian.com Hungary’s leader is at the heart of EU institutions – so in effect Russia is there too. Europe must now take swift action, says Hungarian MEP Katalin Cseh
Hello world! 🔵⚪ Excited to be here. 🙋
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