Márta Pardavi

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Márta Pardavi


Co-chair of Hungarian Helsinki Committee @hungarianhelsinki.bsky.social, working on strengthening the rule of law and the work of human rights defenders.
Most of the time in Budapest, Hungary.
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🇪🇺⚖️🇭🇺 I can now happily zoom out of Poland for a bit because the Commission has finally launched an infringement procedure against Hungary concerning the highly problematic Defence of National Sovereignty (should be: of The Proud Turkic Magyar Nation That Defies All) law introduced last year. 1/
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We are grateful to all our friends, colleagues, and followers for your support in 2023. We wish you a peaceful and joyful holiday season and all the best for 2024!
Read this thread by @mijrahman.bsky.social but beware: your weekend peace, in the lucky event that you had one, is over. threadreaderapp.com/thread/17360...
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Hungarian government recipe to access EU funds without real rule of law compliance: Trick #1 Legal Amendment, but No Actual Change Trick #2 Say One Thing, Do Another Trick #3 Compliance on Paper Only
The European Commission might unfreeze Hungary's access to EU funds, following adoption of its judicial reform package. ANDRÁS KÁDÁR and ERIKA FARKAS from @hungarianhelsinki.bsky.social on the tricks the Hungarian government has played to avoid real compliance. verfassungsblog.de/trick-and-tr...
Trick and Treat?: Hungary's Game of Non-Complianceverfassungsblog.de Almost a year has passed since the European Union decided to block the payment of EUR 27 billion in union funds to Hungary under several instruments. Access to the largest part of the frozen funds - a...
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The proposed Defence of Sovereignty Law, now in Hungary's Parliament, is designed to defend PM Orbán's regime. It is a thinly veiled attempt to deter citizens who are working in the interests of their communities from participating in public life. Our statement: helsinki.hu/en/regime-de...
The Proposed Regime Defence Law is Bound to Fail - Hungarian Helsinki Committeehelsinki.hu Fidesz presented a package of laws that are called "defense of sovereignty" but are in fact designed to protect the arbitrary exercise of power.
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Statement today by Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic -- Hungary: The proposal for a “defence of national sovereignty” package poses a significant risk to #HumanRights and should be abandoned. www.coe.int/en/web/commi...
Hungary: The proposal for a “defence of national sovereignty” package should be abandonedwww.coe.int Strasbourg 27/11/2023
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Hungary’s draft Sovereignty Protection Bill will serve as an informal campaign tool at least until the June 2024 EP elections, but its chilling effect on 🇭🇺 civil society can hardly be overestimated. Check-out my analysis at Visegrad Insight 👇 visegradinsight.eu/viktor-orban...
Viktor Orbán's New Assault on Free Media and Civil Societyvisegradinsight.eu Hungary's draft Sovereignty Protection bill will serve as an informal campaign tool at least until the June 2024 EP elections and will most likely be challenged by the European Commission, but its chi...
And now for something completely different
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Smear campaigns in propaganda media against political and civil society activists are commonplace tactics in Hungary's illiberal playbook. Watch how activists describe these attacks and @hungarianhelsinki.bsky.social's lawyer explains why seeking justice in court matters. 444.hu/2023/11/17/b...
Black propaganda campaigns in the Orbán regime444.hu If the machinery targets you, there is no escape. One of the most important and powerful weapons of the Orbán regime was first used against political opponents – but now anyone could be targeted.
Comparing 3 EU🇪🇺 Financial Conditionality Regimes and their Application to Hungary🇭🇺: The Conditionality Regulation, the Recovery & Resilience Facility Regulation, and the Common Provisions Regulation A paper co-authored by my colleague @laszlodetre.bsky.social ➡️ papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers....
Comparing Three Financial Conditionality Regimes and their Application to Hungary: The Conditionalit...papers.ssrn.com For many years, democracy and the rule of law (including the respect for fundamental rights) have been systematically eroding in certain Member States of the Eu
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"My name is dr. Dániel András Karsai. I am a human rights attorney. I am also terminally ill" Dániel Karsai is in an advanced stage of ALS. Before the European Court of Human Rights, he is fighting for the right to end his life on his own terms. This is his story verfassungsblog.de/the-right-to...
The Right To Die Like The Trees: Standingverfassungsblog.de My name is dr. Dániel András Karsai. I am a human rights attorney. I am also terminally ill. In August 2022, I was diagnosed with ALS. ALS is a so-called motor neurone disease. ALS leads to an extre...
After ordering some books to be sold in plastic wrapping, Hungary's government has banned under 18’s from visiting the World Press Photo exhibition in Budapest, referring to LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 content in some photos, the public display of which is against its homophobic law. www.reuters.com/world/europe...
Hungary bans teenagers from World Press Photo exhibit, citing LGBT content | Reuterswww.reuters.com Hungary's government has banned youngsters under 18 from visiting the World Press Photo exhibition on display in Budapest, citing LGBT content in some of the photos.
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Will there be “Budapest in Warsaw”after tomorrow’s elections in Poland?
This Sunday's national election in Poland is going to be highly consequential – for Poland and the EU. The race is incredibly tight, so regardless of the outcome, Poland is likely heading for very turbulent times indeed. Thread 1/
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🇵🇱⚖️ The @verfassungsblog.de x Democracy Reporting International symposium on the rule of law in Poland continues with an excellent piece by Basia Grabowska-Moroz & Gosia Szuleka on the issue of "new" (neo/🦘 depending on who you ask) judges in the Polish judiciary and what to do about them.
By co-opting the judicial appointment process, Poland’s ruling party has populated the judiciary with so-called neo-judges. BARBARA GRABOWSKA-MOROZ and MALGORZATA SZULEKA explain how their uncertain legal status might threaten Poland's return to the rule of law. verfassungsblog.de/judicial-tra...
Judicial Transitology: What to do with Poland's Neo-Judgesverfassungsblog.de The rule of law crisis in Poland consists of several elements – undermining the independence of courts, politicization of disciplinary proceedings against judges, and lack of legal certainty. None o...
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End of feed.