
What he thinks he looks like vs. what he actually looks like. (this joke is antique)
Does she have the most thankless beat at NYT? I think she's the one who had to find something nice and manly to say about Trump's gold sneaker embarrassment.
I'm actually a huge fan of her work. I think she gets a lot of blowback from people who don't take fashion criticism seriously or think that, by writing about fashion at all, she's trivializing whatever is going on at the moment. and I wouldn't call her take on the sneakers "nice"!
Thanks for responding. I wasn't trying to get into it with you. But why did NYT run a review of the sneakers in the first place? Friedman treated it, IMO, as a display of Trump's brilliant political acumen. To my mind, NYT gives Trump way too much "when he's losing he's actually winning" coverage.
not trying to be testy either fwiw, I just love fashion & fashion writing. her role is to write about fashion and the messages it sends, so the sneakers are fair game imo! I read it differently, moreso that he's trivializing something important than saying 'wow he's so brilliant for doing sneakers'
I didn’t bother reading the piece because the headline and subhead were so awful. I know she didn’t write the headline but 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮