
One of the best ways to judge a person is to watch what they do when they feel empowered.
Power does not always corrupt, but it does always reveal
oh, I like this way of phrasing it
I'm severely paraphrasing Robert Caro. I wanna say he said it in an interview but it might've been one of his books
I need to read his bio of LBJ, don't I? Like, tomorrow.
Oh, that might be the work I'm thinking of actually lol
LBJ was a corrupt, racist, sexist SOB, and he presided over the passage of the Great Society, so here we are. Life is always stranger than fiction. Or, as I like to say, Who the fuck knows?
I recently learned this was Robert Caro's thesis, especially in writing The Power Broker about Robert Moses!
*sigh* *moves Caro up higher on the TBR*
I don't know that I will ever read it, but Roman Mars is reading it this year and doing a podcast with guests to talk about the book. I started listening but got distracted and need to go back.
I may not read the book on Robert Moses but I do want to read the LBJ biography
his work sounds so impressive!
lots of people i knew who when they got the promotion right away started bullying others. really rare that people stop and think "hey i got this power. how do i give back, how do i learn how things actually work"
Yes. It's like people who are polite and friendly when they think you matter, then turn their back when they've decided that, no, you don't. But the flip side can also be true, fortunately.
i do think there's pressure on people to believe that leadership = making hard decisions = hard decisions mean people must hurt. I think a number of parents have bought into this without realizing what they're doing.
Oh yes. Indeed, yes. One of the great joys of being a parent is (for example) watching my eldest (who, when young, few would have said was managerial material) become the manager who says "my job is to facilitate and support the people in my department so they can get their work done."
and to be clear, I think she learned that lesson from her grandfather (my dad) who was one of those rare good administrators. Also, my original comment was in fact inspired by a situation I'm following of a friend's abusive ex who is awful to the children he purports to "love" i
sending good thoughts and well-wishes. it's so hard to undo some of that sort of damage.
Even in stupid ways like working at a grocery store people would start out on register and HATE it and they knew it fucking sucked. Then they get a promotion (with no pay increase) to babysit the front end and suddenly it's "ugh how hard is it to scan things and put it in a bag" etc etc
And I always looked at those people like GIRL you were a cashier like 5 minutes ago and we both know that it is the worst job in the store and everyone wants out, how are you going to forget immediately
I’m sure strippers get a front row seat to lots of “empowered” people
I've been a manager a few times and always found it really stressful. But when it comes down to it, I just don't understand the desire for power over other people. I find it genuinely mystifying.
I would be kind to my subjects.... At first. 😈
No wonder no one knows me, I never feel empowered