
Thank you all so much. As you know, I decided not to crowdfund for Glasgow because i felt that it would be irresponsible, but I went to 4th Street Fantasy this year, and seeing my people there *gave me strength.* I am so glad you did this for Zin. Thank you. Would you care to chip in for lunch?
Hey, Zin A. Rocklyn was slogging through shit and broken glass this year to get to the middle of July when she could have the refuge of being with her people at ReaderCon and Camp NeoCon this month. That rug got pulled yesterday. But we can help:
Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip, organized by Teri hello I am coming to you with my heart in my hands as I *need* this to … Teri Clarke needs your support for Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip
Oh what a relief that it was funded.