
A disrupted climate & diminished natural world are widening the dividing lines of ideological debate. Left unchecked, this will undermine democracy. In this column I argue it is no coincidence that more extreme politics comes at a time of more extreme weather.
Far right using climate crisis as bogeyman to frighten voters and build higher walls | Jonathan It is no coincidence that ever more extreme politics has come at a time of ever more extreme weather
Over a decade ago I read a blog by a political scientist arguing that as the climate crisis deepened and the impacts became more visible and more harmful, it would drive more authoritarian regimes. And here we are.
Big Labour win in UK is a good sign we’re not destined to capitulate to it, though. 🤞
Truly. Here we are with so many chasing the illusion that problems can be solved by addressing consequences rather than causes. That said, I am enjoying the anomalous UK election results.