
Looking for help: I'm interested in talking to interviewers or field directors for public opinion surveys in the 50s, 60s or 70s, particular people of color. I would be especially interested to talk to anyone who was involved on any level with the Data Black or GE Trendex surveys.
I have two aims here - I am trying to fill in some gaps in knowledge about some poorly documented, but important, survey series. But I'm also looking to get oral history from the people who built the industry on the ground. Their work deserves greater recognition.
So if you don't mind sharing, maybe I can find some of these people through the power of the internet? Thank you!
This is a super cool project. I will try to get back in touch with my long ago Macro/ORC colleagues to see if I can turn up anything
Two quick suggestions which you may not yet have tried? 1, post the same on LinkedIn, and 2, if you're a member of AAPOR, post it on their listserve email. Good luck!