
this five minute recess has, at this point, been going on for approximately fifty-three minutes
judge: the court has had an opportunity to reflect, mr steel please take the podium with your attorneys judge: i have made a clarification to the order of contempt. I am holding you for summary criminal contempt
judge: you are to be held in jail for twenty days (!!!) consisting of every weekend for the next ten weeks (!!!!!!!) steel: can I be with mr. williams during the weekend so we can prepare our case? judge: i will talk with our sheriff and we'll see if we can work that out
judge: that's it everyone, everyone is gonna get a copy of the order, have a good one new lawyers: we are appealing the _hell_ out of this judge: yeah i know
judge: ok where's the witness we were dealing with counsel: we uh don't know judge: welp other counsel: can I get the transcript of that ex parte hearing? I need it for cross judge: no counsel: okay but that's bad judge: i said what i said
judge: anyone have anything else? every single defense counsel: we really really need that transcript, also the admissions, also the audiotape, also whatever it is you gave him, also everything else we can name in a frantic attempt to preserve for appeal judge: uh huh, i heard you the first time
the state: ok for the record nothing discussed in that ex parte hearing has anything to do with any of these parties or anything they're a party to so they don't get the record defense counsels: um he is a sworn in witness in this very fucking trial?! judge: you're not getting the transcript la la
judge: okay we're in recess, everyone go home kathryn: what the deep fried fuck
That’s like… several mistrials stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat, right?
i am so far out of my depth here I just saw part of the imploded submersible float by
Ah. That may, to be fair, be somewhat shallower than the location of some of those actively involved.
Writers for Law & Order: "Pfft, that's ridiculous nobody would believe that. Dump the script and fire anyone involved in writing that episode"
They'll do it. As soon as that transcript comes out we'll have that episode in three weeks.
I'm stealing this line. xo
does the judge have a white bronco
Definitely. There was a mistrial ask out of the gate on this one. Multiple trench coats have been populated.
Have you seen Glanville yet?
...but was IT wearing the trench coat?
take your prize, you’ve earned it
This does not, I think, distinguish you from anyone in that courtroom.
Every question I have at this point I know will be answered with, "I am not a lawyer and don't do work in Georgia." I was in shock, I can't imagine weight it must have been live having more knowledge about how things are supposed to work.