Very Very Common Mike Dunford

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Very Very Common Mike Dunford

Father, Army Husband, lawyer. Chronic student recently dragged kicking and screaming into the practice of law. Litigation disaster tour guide. Proud member of the terminally online community since 1993. he/him
I'd be happy to provide you a recipe for mayonnaise. Here's what you'll need.
ChatGPT, imagine you are a white boy. There is dancing and singing and moving to the grooving. Now, play that funky music.
As an overweight bald white guy in his 40s who is one of the least cool people on the planet, I'm still cooler than that monstrosity.
Am I cooler than the least cool thing imaginable? Yeah, probably.
Watching Zoomers make Millennials feel old is my new happy place.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
'The exciting story of how the Scottish town of Dull was paired with Boring in the US'
Today is a chili day, because when better to make a hot stew-like meal than when it’s 90 degrees. Since I use every social network for its proper purpose, if you’d like to follow along I’m chronicling on LinkedIn.
As an aside if RPGs want to resemble reality better one thing they need to change is archers should be a strength based class and swordsman should be a dex based class.
also archers and javelin troopers were ripped . we can literally tell who was an english longbow an based on how deformed their shoulders were. it’s like ~110lb of pull strength to fire a longbow some required even more strength
On the one hand, really do need to try and knock out some work this morning. On the other, this is my office today:
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
*chef's kiss*
The bartender at my local pub is from Cork. His response to anyone ordering an Irish Car Bomb: "Can't make you that, but I can make a 9/11. It's just two kamikazes dropped in a Manhattan."
But, you ask, what about she-who-shall-not-be-named? She threatens defamation actions all the time, and it works. And she does, and it does. Because JKR is vindictive, wants to hurt people who anger her, has the money to do it, and doesn't really give a damn about her reputation.
I've been seeing people saying that because JK Rowling routinely uses UK libel law to silence critics, Gaiman's failure to immediately do so shows his guilt. That's incorrect, and I think it's worth talking about why - it goes to important facets of defamation law abuse. 🧵⚖️
This is the editorial view of the guy who controls which posts get shown on Vichy Twitter and which get buried. Insane that journalists continue to use it as a source of information and contribute to its legitimacy
Say what you will about the various Democratic party actors in the fight over whether Biden stays on the ticket, but I can understand all of their behavior much better than I can the journalists who are trying to write their way into the camps
Language may be the biggest mistake humanity has made, with the possible exception of opposable thumbs.
Who would the democrats be if not a slowly moving circular firing squad with more leaks than a sieve?
Library funding is almost always justified through patron numbers. The more people a library serves, the more funding it gets. So even if you don't regularly use a public library, get a library card. It costs you nothing and helps everyone in your community.
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
With regard to former Sec. of Defense Mark Esper’s chilling account that then-President Trump wanted troops confronting protestors in Lafayette Park to “shoot them in the legs”, I’d love to hear someone ask the follow up question whether Trump understood that people would fall & get hit in torso.
So to confirm, now we have near-final numbers: Every time 19 Tory MPs get a bit grumpy this parliament and stick their letters into the 1922 Committee...'ll automatically trigger a leadership contest.
Worth remembering, for the next five years, that the Tory party rules ASSUME they'll have a large number of sitting MPs. e.g. to automatically start a leadership context only 15% of tory MPs have to put in letters. 15% of 130ish seats is... not a lot.
This site’s got the juice
Liz Truss has gone! Labour took the seat! By just 600 votes!
The best thing about British democracy is when the actual head of government has to stand in a leisure centre at 5 am beside a guy with a bin on his head to find out if he still has a job.
Holy shit - Sinn Fein came within 200 votes of taking Derry from the DUP.
Looks like probably it's not *quite* LMAO, but the Tories are going to finish under 130, and quite possibly under 125.
Guidance for US people trying to understand the UK election results later: Tories under 150 seats: LOL Tories under 120 seats: LMAO Tories under 100 seats: ROFL
Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
holy shit I just realised that the US election is on Guy Fawkes Day
Midsomer Norton’s MP is found thoroughly defeated…. #UKpol
Looks like the Right Hono(u)rable Minister for the Eighteenth Century just lost his re-election bid.
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
In this house we know who the real villain of US history is.
Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.